Yep, we had a good, strong rain here yesterday too. Washed down all that pollen that was making such mizries.
Tomatoes do fine in pots. I actually prefer it. If you planted them good and deep; they're about the only plant where one deliberately plants part of the stem to grow more roots and have better support for the top-heavy plant and fruit. You will need to stake them, for sure. The tomato cage is fine. My dad used to tie them to his stakes with knee-high stockings. (He used the kind of posts one used for wire fencing with the little "hooks" on a side.) It looked very odd for a little while indeed, but the springy nylons had "give" in them that held the tomatoes up well without stress on anything. Boy, we sure did have a lot of tomatoes. He never fertilized them even, just let the worms do the work. Of course, the garden was where the septic tank had been originally. It just occurred to me the other day why Mom and Dad chose to put the flower and veggies there.
Since yours are in a pot, I would feed them a bit. I'm fond of Osmocote because it's a one-time thing.
Deer do love to eat our stuff. The first year I planted tulips at my house, one or many of them snipped the heads off the red tulips, every one of them! I thought some evil human had done the deed, but it wasn't long before I realized that the people where I lived were nice, but the deer could be devils. I still love them though. Chipmunks steal my strawberries and spilled bird seed. <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue2.gif" alt="" />