The Gotti's are celebrating the second season of their reality show, Growing Up Gotti, which debuts on A&E Monday, January 10 at 9pm [Eastern]/8pm [Central].
To celebrate, they're giving up the booty -- literally. The winner of this Growing Up Gotti contest will receive a special Growing Up Gotti Christmas Stocking filled with a DVD (that comes Gotti recommended), a CD (of course, with the Gotti stamp of approval, as well), an official Growing Up Gotti t-shirt and some funky Hotti Gotti slap bracelets.
This forum contest will run for seven days. Each day I will ask a new question. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins. In case of a tie, the one with the most correct answers with the earliest forum timestamps will win. Only posts that are unedited will be accepted as answers.
All answers can be found in the story that accompanies this forum contest (
link ) or on the Gotti's official website (
link ).
Keep in mind, even though there may already be an answer for the day, it may not be the right answer, so don't be afraid to try anyways. After all, it's the cumulative score not the daily that counts.
The rest of the rules: This contest is open to anyone living in the US and UK who is aged 18 or older. So if you're a Hotti Gotti fan under 18, you'll need to have your parents enter for you. Sorry. Prize will be shipped to the winner at no cost to the winner. For complete sweepstakes rules, click
Bookmark this topic...the first question drops Saturday, January 8, 2005.