Hello Everyone

It's the school holidays here in South Africa and a Mother I know got her three kids going on this potato vine project with a prize for the best looking one to be judged during the September holidays by the mom's book club buddies. Oh what excitement she tells me and oh what serious focus. She tells me too that her son Sean has decided to be an inventor when he is big (he is 10 now) so that he can invent something to make potatoes grow faster.

It's got the kids interested in growing potatoes as well and for this they have each been given three car tyres to grow potatoes in - again all going for another prize for the best potatoes and most original decoration of the 'outer' tyre surface. I am told that her daughter Katy has already drawn up designs and put in the order for gold paint and beads. It was just so refreshing to talk to her about the kids gardening. Zack just smiles and keeps saying "I'm going to win so there."

I really enjoyed listening to all of this and just had to tell you.

Cheers now

Lestie Mulholland
Container Gardening Editor

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