I've never had this problem and it's definitely throwing me for a loop. My gf and I have been intimate on numerous occasions. I have seen her naked multiple times and she has seen me as well. We have showered together too. My problem is she is extremely modest and will try her hardest to not let me see her fully naked. She hids under the covers, gets in the shower after me, changes in the bathroom and makes me turn around when she gets out of bed. I have tried to accommodate her but I am a very very sexual person. I go crazy for confidence and she has none. She has an awesome body,  is tan and I feel like I should be able to enjoy that if we have sex. When she gets shy and modest it is a huge turn off for me and I literally have to force myself to sleep with her sometimes. I have talked to her about how I feel but she just says she will try. I don't know what to do I actually feel like a jerk every time I bring it up. But I'm fearing that I will eventually lose my attraction towards her as shallow as that sounds. What do I do?

Last edited by asinmylife; 07/24/14 04:43 PM.