Hello, I am seriously struggling with something at the moment and know that unless I can get some advice it's probably going to tear my relationship apart. Recently my BF's ex called, in a panic saying that their daughter (2) had badly hurt herself and they were going to the hospital. Naturally we were terrified, rushed to A&E to wait for her to arrive. When she got there, the little girl had cut her lip, in fairness it was a nasty cut, but it had stopped bleeding already. The triage nurse checked for concussion (of which there was none because she had only hit her mouth, not her head luckily) and gave her a plaster and some Calpol. The ex told us she had bitten straight through her lip, we assumed she had checked the wound and so didn't prod and look further so as not to start it bleeding again. So we proceeded to spend four hours waiting in A&E, with the little girl running around, laughing, playing, drinking and trying to not let her get too bored. It was more than obvious we didn't need to be there. When we were finally seen, they looked at her lip and announced that she hadn't bit through it at all, she'd effectively bit the inside of her lip and knocked the outside on the table. Two different cuts. Nobody had even checked. The part that I'm struggling with is that a few months ago, one of my sons (then 3) was in agony with stomach pains. His stomach was distended, hard and he was running a high temperature. Sobbing and screaming constantly. I wanted to take him to A&E then, but my boyfriend insisted that I was being irrational and A&E was only for emergencies. We fought for a while and I finally settled on phoning the doctor's and begging to be seen so that my BF didn't storm off in a mood that I hadn't listened to his gospel medical advice. Yet he didn't say a single word to his ex when it was his daughter. Not one word, in four hours, of sitting there with a child who had effectively got a fat lip. That he can hold such obvious double standards is really making me question everything. It's really eating me up, I haven't brought it up with him because I'm not sure how to address it in an effective way that doesn't just seem like an attack. But ignoring it isn't working because I'm finding myself fighting disgust when I look at him. If anybody has an advice that can help me get past this, or see it differently, I would be eternally grateful.