I was so angry once at my spouse, right now the reason I can't remember. I took my glasses and just bent them to pieces. Of course, then I had to go buy a new pair but the anger had built up and it was the closest thing to me to destroy.

When the kids were little, I would get so stressed and could feel the anger building at something they did, or just overwhelmed that I would just have to go into a room and lock the door til I had time to calm down. Those moments do not happen often, but when they do, it is scary.

I think when we get overwhelmed or stressed beyond our limit, we tend to act. It is important before that happens to think and plan what we will do when it happens, sort of have a plan. It might be to leave the room, count to ten, call someone or just plain ole scream your head off, but plan something so we don't react violently. It's important to also plan on what we might say. It is usually during these times I might say something to a loved one, that later I will regret. So, I try to remember when I feel that way, to keep quiet. Not always easy.

Even the best of us have those moments, it is what we do when they happen that is important. You know you have this tendency to get stressed and react, so plan now what you will do, or get some help to help you deal with those situations. The fact you are asking in the forum means you are strong and know that a more appropriate actions should have been done, and I am sure you will be just fine after you have had time to ponder and think it thru. Happy Holidays...

Ebook: Getting Started in Genealogy

Tina Sansone
Ebook Manager