Hello, I'm new to this forum and would like to introduce myself with regard to the topic. I was raised in a Pentcostal family, but was a secret atheist from a young age. About 10 years ago, because of some experiences I became an agnostic. Recently, due to more experiences, I decided to believe in a higher power. It took me awhile, but I've become accustomed lately to calling this higher power God, even though there are a thousand names for the same. I am very thristy to talk about spirituality, soulfulness and mindfulness. I have one person with whom I trust enough to visit with about these subjects, my therapist. While we have a deep soul connection, I spend only one hour a week with him and I'm HUNGRY for more conversation. I am fiercely unwillingly to be procilitized and am very careful with whom I have these discussions. It seems the people in this group have a variety of disciplines and it would be good to share our diverse ideas. I guess my first question is: what is the difference between the spirit and the soul?