On one hand, it is true that each topic area is meant to be a supportive, warm environment for people in that area. So the pro-choice area is about supporting people with a pro-choice attitude. The pro-life area is equally about supporting pro-lifers. We would not allow a pro-choice person to go into the pro-life area and start challenging their views.
Our Democratic forum is about supporting Democrats, and our Republican forum is about supporting Republicans.
With that all being said, the Current Events is specifically a forum for discussing current events. So it makes sense that discussion in here examines all sides of the issue.
The same overall guidelines apply here. Language should be encouraging of an intellectual debate of issues. We should avoid any personal attacks or name calling. We can address the issues from a logical point of view, without resorting to impinging the person who is behind a given view.
Absolutely we can disagree. That is the way the world works. We can disagree while still appreciating the idea that others hold opposing opinions. There are many paths in life.
I am always happy to discuss any of these issues at more length if people have questions about them.