having psychic ability although i dont like to mention it outside this forum can be a real help sometimes but its not always the case were gifted people take advantage of this knowledge or insight. if i get a feeling i concentrate and relax laid down until something comes to me. in 1987 i was living in a flat that was above a pet shop? they sold all types of pet food and hay, straw and bedding for animals . it was really a bed sit and had no room, it was freezing inside and i had to turn the oven on as well as the heating to keep it warm. i was only in about 2 weeks when i heard what was like an explosion going off with a terrific bang? the bloke next door was an alcoholic and i got no sense out of him at all. nobody else heard a bang and when i explained to a few mates in the pub that night not one of them heard anything either. that night i telephoned my mate peter and told him about the bang. he told me not to worry but said if i got my things i could move in with him and his son. i got my things and left in the early hours. the next day me and peter drove back up to the flat and got the shock of our lives? the alcoholic had forgot to turn his gas fire off when he went out drinking, he stayed in the pub drinking into the early hours which sometimes happens illegally, when he walked in and turned the light on the gas blew all the flats up and the pet shop was all that remained although it was in a bad need of repair. that again was a near thing in this crazy life i have.