Terms Of Service/Rules of conduct to be consider when posting in this forum.

This forum is for gay/lesbian relationships, and anything pertaining to relationships with the GLBT community.

I welcome you to openly talk about anything that might be on your mind! I want this forum to be a safe environment for GLBT's to discuss ideas and concerns concerning life, love, and everything inbetween!

It is not intended to be a place to discriminate or push beliefs onto someone, so please be respectful and curtious to the way that someone is living their life.

There are other forums where you can express your religious and political views, which may be more appropriate if you intend to post something that might demean a person and their beliefs.

I am not here to censor your opinions, however if you start harrassing or degrading someone because of their race, faith, gender, or sexual orientation, you will be banned from the forum.

With that being said, I hope that you all are able to express your feelings and find what it is you are looking for from the forum! Feel free to private message me with and questions or concerns.

Have a great day!!!