Lisa, Thanks for stopping by smile

The Puritans were VERY superstitious as I imagine many different groups were back in those days. There was such a lack of knowledge about the world in general and it is human nature to "fill in the blanks" when something is an unknown. Those filled in blanks are where most superstitions got their start I'd imagine.

The director of the Cape & Islands paranormal society has graciously offered to share their research with me for future articles. They work closely with the local historical societies so they can add alot of valuable insights to my historical articles about Cape Cod.

I will probably post most of those articles at my own personal site so that I don't overpopulate my travel site here with an over abundance of Massachusetts articles and many of these historical accounts of local history are not really travel related so they may not belong here in this topic. The ones that do belong will likely end up here first though.

Right now, in order to populate my personal site right off, I reposted most of my articles from here, but in the future I will be adding more local lore type articles there that will be unique to that site and not necessarily travel related.