Nixon is not what the Conservative base of the Republicans are asking for, it never has been. We are asking for another Reagan. History seems to forget that it was Reagan who brought us back from the brink of double digit unemployment numbers. It was Reagan who cut taxes across the board. It was Reagan who ended the cold war.

It is Obama who has brought the unemployment number to an estimated %17 (He is quoted and on video as saying he is not interested in cutting taxes and creating jobs, he is more interested in fairness). It is Obama who is raising taxes across the board to kill more jobs. And it is Obama who is selling our national security to Russia in the form of giving them permission to access our nuclear weapons facilities and scrapping the missle DEFENSE system in Europe for God knows what in return.

As far as Obama's success in the Congress, I am not sure what there is to celebrate about this. President Obama has a phillibuster proof Congress- 60 votes in his favor. He has no opposition. Add to this the fact that these Congressmen and Congresswomen are going on the record with reporters admitting that they are not reading the bills they are signing into law. They are laughing when asked where in the constitution do they get the right to do "xyz."

These laws that have been passed over the past year have an immediate effect on the safety, security, and future intrests of this country as a whole. Does it not bother any Democrat that their leaders are openly saying, "sign! sign! don't read it! we need to act now!!" You would not do that when you buy a car, why would you do that when you create a law- if you were honest with yourself, you would admit that there is obviously something hidden in these multiple- thousand page bills.

We had a Congresswoman, Senator Mary Landrieu, who spoke in opposition of the Health "Care" Bill until her district recieved $300 million dollars (From the stimulus bill that was supposed to be a recovery act for America). She then switched her position on the bill. Hate to inform the average Dem, but that is a blatent bribe.

We have a literal thug with the muscle of SEIU and ACORN at his disposal. We have a corrupt Congress with no concept of right or wrong accusing every peep of opposition as racist, we have accomplices in the media that, for them, the hottest story is not the blatent lies and corruption of a President, but instead, how green his garden is and how tone his wife's arms are.

We are in a bad place right now and when history looks back, as it always does, it will ask why anyone supported the criminals in charge.

This entire situation is irrational to me and it is frustrating to the extreme.
