Originally Posted By: IH8FMS
Journal-writing is one of the best ways I've found to cope with really rotten days or with the company of people who make a day rotten just by being a living, breathing, poison-spewing part of it.

That is so true! I will do the same thing. I'll write "in cognito" of course, but change names etc. and pass on the venom those "living, breathing, poison-spewing " (love it!) individuals dispense on to you. I am surrounded by people like that currently. It's temporary, but they thrive on the viciousness. They truly do!. They feel angry and inept inside and slowly, like sludge or not slowly, they erupt their lava onto anyone in the vicinity. Thank the good Lord above I don't have to stay where I'm at for very much longer.

I will go as far to say, if you spend enough time around these people, even with the most positive personality, you can absolutely take on their negativety. Even if it's just them bringing you down. You've got to extract the poison!


Clairvoyance Editor

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 07/13/09 02:56 PM.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Clairvoyance Site