That's so true, Robin. People who work with chimps in entertainment won't work with them once they are ten years old or so - too dangerous. That's one of the reasons I don't think chimps or orangutans should be used for film, TV, etc. - they have to use babies, so all the adults have nowhere to go. They end up in horrible circumstances, in terrible roadside zoos or even in medical labs. A lot of people don't even know what an adult orangutan looks like, because all you see on TV or in films are the babies.

I've been working with animals all my life, including lions, cheetahs, tigers, bears - all sorts of big predators. And the only animal I have *ever* been bitten by, in all these years, was a capuchin monkey. It was a nasty wound, too. I ended up with blood poisoning, and was out in the middle of nowhere in Ecuador at the time... but that's another story. crazy

MaryEllen, Animal Life Editor
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