Originally Posted By: Bettafied
Mom would have had 3 from me, if I hadn't of miscarried them all.. I feel like a CF misfit and I don't think there are any clubs for that..

OMG Bettafied - Oh, please don't feel like that! No such thing as a CF misfit!! A higher being has plans for you and the plans did not have children in them. I do hope you the best and that your happy spirits return to your soul.

Don't be hard on your self. If you desire children in your life, there are plenty of little orphans out there looking for a loving home.

Childfree freedom is not for everyone! Me, I adore being CF and it was a choice I made when I was much younger. I'm now 49 you see, and never regreted the choice I've made.

Best regards,
New York

Greetings from beautiful New York!