I had Tivoed this from earlier and was just sitting down watching it and got so irritated I had to pause it and come post here. The show is about people who are having medical problems seeing doctors about it on the show.

Guest #2 is an annoying woman who is boo-hooing because she can't have a second child and she says something like "I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm a freak because I want a second child when those people don't even know if they want kids or not and end up pregnant."

The husband is fed up, it looks like they've spent a ton of money on invitro, artificial imsemination, etc. Their first daughter was conceived with the aid of fertility drugs.

I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for this woman. Her husband is fed up with her and he doesn't really care if they have another child or not. He says the only time she's ever interested in sex is around the time she is ovulating. She really wants the second child right away because she wants her children to be close in age. She seems so selfish and self centered and acts as if she won't be happy unless her life falls into place exactly as she imagined it when she was growing up. This woman just doesn't seem to understand that just because we want something doesn't mean that it is automatically going to happen for us no matter how hard we try. I'm interested in seeing what Dr. Phil tells her! I wonder if he'll bring up the subject of adoption. This woman doesn't seem like she'd be very receptive to raising a child that is "not hers."

Did anyone else get the chance to see the show? If so, what are your thoughts?