Thank you both for your advice, I really appreciate it. As I said, I am in my mid twenties and she is the first person with which I have ever been intimate (so this is especially hard). I supose my naive nature associated intimacy with commitment. I guess that in the real world such ideals are only ideals not standards.

Nonetheless, somehow (this may be my naive nature) I am still believing this friendship/relationship is going to work out.

Newly realized honesty between us has shed light on the complexity surrounding the possibility of successful relationship/friendship between us.

As it turns out she came from a single parent family and grew up in the midst of a miserable eventually failed relationship. That, and her just coming out of a long term relationship, she says, makes it hard for her to commit but that she does not want to rule out commitment between us; but, at the same time, she does not want to rush into something that is going to fail. She said she is really confused... and has apologized for being misleading but at the same time she does not regret what we have done and that she has feelings for me and that those feelings are important and real.

So, I guess, I need to step back and think about the possibility of this relationship. She wants a relationship but maybe not as fast as I thought or as we were going. I agree that the intimacy must be cut back and that the friendship should continue to develop. I probably should not mention her other friend whom she says she is wrongly using, but hopefully, and I might suggest at some point that she stop seeing him (I really don't know what to do here). (suggestions please)

Perhaps, if we are both mature, there may still be a chance. Maybe I am just hopelessly naive? I do appreciate all your advice and welcome further comment and advice from all.

Thank you...