Very well said, Jim... I see your point and can understand where you are coming from....
I would hope that you are not accusing me of lambasting anyone with regard to the faith they hold.. I already stated on more than one occasion that I find those whose faith and belief is solid, admirable, and for them to remain steadfast is commendable.
What I cannot support are those who in the face of undeniable evidence, still insist on practising Blind Faith.... and I have accused nobody here of doing so, even though I have disputed the presentation of certain matters as factual.....They simply do not stand up to scrutiny, but it is not I who has worked to get to the bottom and origin of these writings...Others have done so, far more capably, and doubtless will continue to do so.
As I further mentioned in my original post - it little matters what the Old testament tells us... the important texts for our time are those found in the Gospels of the New Testament....Jesus Christ's central message, whatever one may think of the bible as a chronological document (factual or otherwise) is the one to take note of....

Just by way of an explanation, I am an Italian Roman Catholic, was convent-educated, and served as a Parent Governor at my daughters' Roman Catholic Dioscesian Primary School, in the U.K. for nearly five years.
so I do have some indication of what it is to both practise a christian religion devotedly, and what it means to have faith and belief....I further have some knowledge of Biblical matters.
I am now 49.
I hope you would agree by the timbre of my posts that I am not incoherent or unintelligent, and I put a great deal of thought and consideration into my forum contributions here....
So it is not without a great degree of thought, consideration and - yes, soul-searching - that I eventually put what I was unable to reconcile myself to, aside.
I am a practising and devoted Buddhist now, and believe me - for me - This is definitely the better, more satisfying, and yet completely demanding path to follow.
I enjoy discussions of this calibre enormously, and inspite of my declining my catholic religious background in favour of another course, wholeheartedly respect, admire and support the desire of others to follow God as devoted worshippers.