Hi Mary!

You wrote:

Janet, I tend to read this forum early in the morning - or late at night - so I may be a little fuzzy sometimes! :-) But I'm trying to figure out if I "read" you right (okay, pun intended!) - You were saying that divination as just "telling the future" is "not only a waste, but a very shallow endeavor" - right? But I don't think you were including ALL divination in that?

So, my question to you, as an experienced reader, is: do you feel that divining - as opposed to "telling the future" - for someone else can be a useful tool for both you and the querent?
As one who writes a lot about divination, and reads for others, I surely don't think divination is a waste! <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> What I meant by that is those individuals who continually consults readers or psychics wanting to know things like "Will I die?", "Will my health be OK?", "Does he really love me?", etc.

The reason I have problems with these kind of readings is:

1. The future is fluid, and not fixed
2. As individuals, and their patterns, beliefs, attitudes and actions change, so does their future
3. All of life is a lesson, and difficulties can serve as a great teacher. If one is looking to somehow circumvent or "get out of" difficulties--especially without ruthless self-examination or committment to their spiritual path--it's a "shallow endeavor". It's like trying to get rid of a dandelion by simply mowing it down, rather than extricating it at the root.

Now, I must say, I am clouded by my own experience. Back when I was involved in the Pentcostal and Charismatic movements in Christianity (both as a pastor and a lay person), I put a lot of eggs in the "future" basket, myself. Instead of taking responsibility for my own life, I wanted rescued, pampered, provided for, and so on. I was in for a huge rude awakening by life--which included the illness and death of my first husband.

It was then that I concluded that it's a major cause of suffering to be so future-focused, and to think the Divine is a deus ex machina ready to snatch us out of difficulty...or give us a smooth ride in life. This is why I'm not big on the New Age movement of "prosperity and abudance", because a lot of that seeks a life of ease...and, like many in the Charismatic movement, they don't seek to "weep those who weep" (have compassion), but rather want to slap on a little affirmation like some cosmic bandaid (effectively dismissing, or ignoring, the sufferer).

This is just some of the reasons I think the way I do. Does that make sense?

Btw, that's an interesting way to find out about geneology! Since we're all connected, seems like a neat way to fill in the missing gaps of research. <img src="/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />