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BellaOnline Editor Shark
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Hi all, times are tough, that's for sure, and after the news of the global swine flu outbreak, I think we are going to have a sense of caution in our lives. We will probably tend to stay home more, and do things from home. So what are you planning to do with your time?
I'm busy knitting vests for children in need. I purchased some very reasonable wool locally, and everytime I sit to watch TV, I bring out the knitting. Here In Oz, winter is the time for our football codes, so everytime I watch a game, I'm busy with my hands, knitting up a storm.
As far as quilting projects, I'm going to have a go at making an Art Quilt that's been in my head for some time, just waiting for the time to be "right". Guess that's now.
What are you planning to do whilst enjoying this global bumpy ride? Let us know.
Cheerio for now
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Hi everyone, Judie an Art quilt would be awesome. I am not sure I have enough artsy to do one. A landscape quilt I have been thinking of trying to do. But for now I am just trying to play catch up. And also a year ago my DH requested a quilt so I am going to start it. He just wants big blocks with wide sashing so it will be so easy. And the theme is bears, moose, woods that type of quilt. I am going to make it two sided keeping with the theme. Well that is my immeadiate plans. If only I would finish my UFO's. That is another topic. LOL
Last edited by Donna Rae; 04/29/09 09:38 AM.
Donna Rae
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There is enough fabric in my stash to get me through several years of downturn.
But right now I am working on several UFO's that only have a small amount of work left to get them finished. Why didn't I do this earlier? Who knows, but I am becoming more aware of how over indulgent I have become in my fabric shopping. So no more new fabric until I use up what I have in my stash. My goal is to fit my fabric in ONE closet in my sewing room.
One thing I am finding out is that some of those fabrics that I thought would NEVER go together, really can play nice together when I start thinking outside the box.
Now I have got to get to the meadow (my sewing room) and get busy.
Galloping Butterfly
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My first step is: We are looking into downsizing our living arrangements. It will, however, be very difficult moving from a 4 bedroom home to a 2 bedroom townhouse. I guess sewing will continue to be done in my dining room.
The second step is: Finish all those projects I have been working on. I also have enough fabric for now. I will (of course) have to purchase more; that goes without saying, but I will be more selective.
The third step is: Continue to enjoy the 'free' out of doors for entertainment and relaxation. Since I live in the 'Land of 10,000 Lakes' you know you can't throw a stick in Minnesota without hitting a lake. Lots of fun to be found in fishing or swimming, or boating - lots of picnics to look forward to as well. We have several family events already planned.
We hope we're a little removed from the traveling germs. It will soon be summer, plus we don't live in a conjested area. Not ideal for those bugs.
Last edited by GrannyH; 04/29/09 01:35 PM.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
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I'm making slipcovers for our two loveseats in the living room. I custom them so that each cushion gets it's own zippered cover. Plus the outer portion of each cover is zippered so that it's a fairly snug fit. It would never do to have to rearrange the cover each time a person has a sit in it! We're hoping to be able to launder them. Since I sew them--we pay for the cost of the dec fabric, zippers & cording only. The husband loves it. Buying new furniture can wait!
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BellaOnline Editor Shark
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Well done lakesidequilter, I'm very envious of your skills. I regret that I never learnt how to "sew" meaning putting in zippers and the like. To be able to change covers on chairs is a fantastic way of getting new furniture at a minimum cost. Do you make a paper pattern of the existing cushions, or are you able to eye-ball the cushion and just go for it? Cheerio for now
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I think that this is a great time to finish up some of the projects (UFO's) that seem to multiply in storage. This should allow plenty of time for the economy to rebound and then we can start collecting projects all over again.
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I am busy making simple use everyday quilts..recycled fabric, clothing, bedding, all made new and given to that family that lost everything in a fire or from a tornado..I also collect orphan dolls, dress them up an give to foster care and orphanages..never a dull moment in my sewing room..
never have UFO's..no room to store..just finished an 8point star quilt that our fire dept is raffling off..if there is a need, I am there sewing and quilting...making faces smile..
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BellaOnline Editor Shark
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What joy you bring to the hearts of those around you, EthalMay. It brought a big smile to my face to read about your busy sewing/quilting life. You obviously know the joy it brings to make and do for others.
I had to giggle at your comment about having to finish because you have no room to store. THAT gave me food for thought!!
It's caring compassionate people like you who make this world a much better place. God Bless you EthalMay. Cheerio for now
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