These are all really good questions. Have you ever considered taking one on one classes? These tap into the more advanced areas of learning. You might be ready for them.
But, for me personally, I utilize my sensitivities about as much as I use traffic lights. For a lot of people that can be draining and in the beginning it was for me. There are sometimes when I don't take the time and energy to clear & control, well, because I'm lazy really or in a bad/impatient mood, etc. I always pay for it when i don't. But with control, I wouldn't want it any other way really
I'm at a point where even though I might not like everything I see, I've had a relationship enough with my abilities to where I trust them almost emphatically.
Can feelings misguide you? Absolutely. Especially, when they are not taken as seriously as they should be. Often people like to be scared or let ego get in the way. Those can be disasterous. There is only one perfect source. I look at it that way, and as we are imperfect we tap into perfection. We can always misinterpret something. how often has someone just said something to us and we thought they meant something else? Same thing.
This is where classes would benefit you. Misdiagnosing info. can lead into a road of resistance and self doubt. When you do this type of work, you kind of have to go into it bareing all - all the time. Unless there's an editor or director, sometimes it can be a little like tripping down a
The "river running dry" feeling is another area where courses would help. There's a reason this sensation find us. It isn't imagination.
All of this is kind of like learning German or cooking. You can pick up plenty of tid bits here and there and the best lessons are going to be in mistakes of what not to do. But, you kind of get to a point where all of the searching adds more conflict and wasted energy than you need and you need a mentor, when your ready that is to begin producing something substantion you can steadily work with.
At the end of August we will be starting a second session of classes that will go into the fall if you're interested. you can pm me or phone direct.
just a thought.
Clairvoyance Editor
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