Hi folks!

It's been awhile since I've posted in the Career column. I must say work has been overwhelming recently...
My boss is resigning after almost 30 years with the organization (I've been with the org almost 8) - we are conducting a nationwide search for his replacement and I'm working hard to make it happen before he leaves.
I needed to prepare and present 3 different training programs - and present each of them twice between Feb and April.
We've had a large number of job openings, I am trying to fill.
My term as HRA-NCA president is ending and we are in the midst of interviewing new board members.
My staff is having personal issues requiring them to be out of work.
Needless to say it's been hectic and even for those of us who pride ourselves in "having it all together" in the workplace, sometimes struggle.

I'm doing my best to take it one da at a time.

What are your struggles as of late and what are you doing to keep it under control?

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

How do I relax? I run!
Grandma to Half Marathon