Hi everyone,
I am looking for fellow pagans to interview for my blog. My blog is magikosstudios.wordpress.com. I ask all my interviewees the same ten questions in an attempt to show off our similarity and differences. My hope is that through this little project we can create a stronger pagan community. If you are interested in contributing and having your voice heard via my blog please pm your answers to me along with the pen name you wish to go by.

The Questions I ask are;
1. How long have you been Pagan?
2.What tradition /path do you follow?
3.How would you describe your tradition/path?
4.What is your opinion on spells?
5.What is your opinion on ritual?
6.Do you feel that there is too much emphases on spells and ritual and not enough on morals and daily living?
7.What would you consider is some of the biggest issues with in the pagan community and why?
8.If you could say one thing to the pagan community as a whole what would it be?
9.Do you have any Pagan role models, if so who and why?
10.Any further comments you wish to make?