Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Native American Forum. If you have not yet registered as a member, every forum post can be read. Once you register, you can join in all the discussions, games, and polls. It�s free, simple, and we�re waiting to hear from you. This is the place to learn and share all things Native American.

As in all communities, we have a few guidelines and rules to live by, which benefit everyone. Review before you post. This forum is monitored consistently. If you have any questions, problems, or issues, please contact me.

Forum Guidelines and Rules

1. Everyone is welcomed and respected. Be respectful of others. Profanity and offensive jokes are not allowed. This forum is viewed by people of all ages, and each post must be suitable reading for all ages. �Bad� language will be edited or the post deleted.
2. The following will not be tolerated and the post containing it will be deleted immediately:
Racism, Discrimination, Condemnation or Criticism of any religion or belief, ethnic group or nationality, Disrespect, Criticism, or Antagonism towards any forum member
3. At BellaOnline, copyright laws are strictly followed and this includes within the forum.
Do not post anything that was copied from another person, website, or publication of any type.

Internet links and short quotes with credits are permitted in the forum. If you would like to quote something from another post within that Topic, we have a function which does it properly and includes the credits automatically. Your photos (ones you personally took) of craft items, nature, or locations are allowed, but should not include people. If you have any questions about copyright issues, quotes, links, or photos, contact me before you post. I am here to help.

Do not copy anything from the forum, or the website to use elsewhere, for something other than personal use. Printing a recipe for yourself, or how to instructions for a craft project are examples of personal use. These cannot be reproduced or distributed to others in any way. There can be a few exceptions. However, NEVER ASSUME � always contact the forum member and ask permission. The BellaOnline community includes many professional writers. Copyright issues are close to their hearts and affect their livelihood. Be respectful of this and abide by the law.

4. Stay on Topic. It all begins with our Native American theme and the Topics. If you go into the topic American Indian Mounds and post eloquently about the Dreamcatcher you just completed, it�s not only confusing, but problematic.

Members and Visitors frequently search Topics for a specific thing. If a visitor searches and finds Indian Mounds and there is a post about Dreamcatchers, it�s confusing. On the other hand, if someone is searching for Dreamcatchers, they can�t find your post and will miss out on your helpful comments.

When you have something to share, a comment, question, current event, or something you just learned about American Indians, but can�t find a Topic that quite fits - Start A New Topic. Simply click on New Topic and start posting.

BellaOnline also has Guidelines and Terms of Use for all of its forums, as well as a Privacy Policy. I�ve included the links below for your convenience.
Forum Guidelines and FAQ
Privacy Policy

I can be contacted directly via Private Message by forum members. Visitors can contact me from my Bio Page on the Native American website. A direct link is at the top of this forum. Click on my photo, scroll down, and enter your question or comment.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end. Yes, it was lengthy, but necessary for all of us to enjoy our forum. I sincerely appreciate your time and look forward to your posts.

Last edited by Jane - Native American; 05/15/11 01:01 PM.

Jane Winkler, Editor
Native American Site
Avatar: Feather Dance Bustle - Men's Regalia