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I do agree with our President's lack of connection. While we were watching the State of the Union Address, I blurted out, "He's a Puppet, who is the Puppet Master?" Not sure where that came from. I had sat down with a determination to keep an open mind and objectivity. However, a strong feeling of aversion crept over me. I was stunned at the contradictions within the speech and towards the end said out loud, "Who wrote this? Do they think we are THAT stupid?"

I have watched and listened, perhaps too much, and come to the conclusion this man is not a great orator as many claim. He is a good READER, as evidenced by the need for teleprompters in a 6th grade classroom. That was truly unbelievable, and I didn't believe it when my husband first mentioned it.

Undercurrents. I'm stuck on the undercurrents, way too many and they run way too wide and deep. I find myself wondering who is standing behind the desk chair in the Oval office and what are their goals and agenda.

I think it's time for me to take your advice Elleise, and step back from this for a little bit. There are other things I can concentrate on, which may provide some clarity.

Jane Winkler, Editor
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As wierd as this sounds, my husband spoke firmly with me a few days ago and said, "You of all people should be used to this. You're clairvoyant!" This was in reference to Obama. And believe it or not when you said,

"I've come to the conclusions this man is not a great orator as many people claim."

I can't tell you how close to the Golden Gate that is. While they, the administration and their followers have been tauting "people are just not happy with a black man in the white house." in face of opposition, they are basically keeping a good many of the population submissive and naive. I have the term 'dumbed down' but, they aren't stupid, just the opposite. But if you convice them the truth is evil, they wont be enthusiatic or supported in numbers to investigate. They'll just accept whatever is handed and believe it 100%.

One of the real tragedies is that the more people they can convince to take gov't benefits, once they do or have unemployment extended (we're one of those people) their aim is to have those people reliant on the Fed. aid and in return keep voting them in again and again. The average person won't want to lose "free" money. I believe the unemployment will be extended until they have this clock-like thing in place. I wrote about it earlier as the Gov't collecting "Toggles", automotic, food, banks, etc.

Recently, I've gone out of my way to watch and listen to both sides of the media and shows like Fox/Glenn Beck. I noticed one thing in particular. The shows asked tough questions, yes, of the white house, but provided proof, written, video and audio evidence of what was going on and why they are questioning. And, if you don't follow politics, like myself, they take you step by step in laymans terms what is going on and how to understand it.

As it stands now, I feel we will have undercurrents of Believers and Non-believers. The "Non-believers" will be believers who see and the "Believers" will be those who follow that can't.

Everything, right now is opposite of what's being spun. You almost have to shake your head like, pinching yourself and remember wha'ts real even if it doesn't feel popular, know their are others . I promise we will find ourselves telling ourselves this.

The last thing I heard, my husband told me. He said, Obama said he is "agnostic to tax increases." I dropped my BLT plate and it smashed on the floor. He said, what?

I said, "He's saying just like agnostics believe there's something out there, they just don't call it God, if he doesn't believe in the term 'tax-increase', when it does happen, which it will, he's not accoutnable."

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 02/13/10 12:05 PM.

Karen Elleise
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I could not believe he used THAT term either. I actually looked it up in the dictionary and here's what Webster says:

Agnostic - (coined by Thomas Henry Huxley) a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God, or an ultimate cause, or anything beyond material phenomena

Applying this definition to the President's statement....OK, now I'm really confused. Is he saying his mind is so limited that he "cannot know whether there" will be tax increases or not? Or is he referencing the limitations of our human minds, in that we cannot know?

I think the word Agnostic is generally understood to many as "On The Fence." There may be a God, there may not, I don't know, I don't care, etc. This was my understanding of the word's meaning, until I looked it up.

Applying this "not quite accurate" definition to what the President said...... OK, now I'm flabbergasted! Is he saying there may be tax increases, or maybe not, I don't know, I don't care? Does he have a clue? I heard the comment on TV while I was at my computer, so I can only guess he didn't have a teleprompter.

So now I have another question raging through my brain. To go along with "Who is behind the desk chair in the Oval Office?"
WHO is running those teleprompters?

I'm giving all this a little too much real estate in my brain right now. Before I "evict" these questions for a much needed respite, there is something else which keeps popping into my head each time the President or others around him speak.

If you repeat something enough times, it will believed to be truth.

I don't know who originally said this, and I'm certainly paraphrasing the quote. However, it certainly explains how almost verbatim wordage is emanating from so many mouths.

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Remember way back when I wrote about people not being able to afford their taxes. Some even stop paying them?

This was a precognitive event. It's not quite here yet, but soon this cycle will begin. At this time, however, people won't want to think about it.

There will be situations where people/groups, small at first will go to jail rather than pay this monstrocity of what's going to be. If you need an example (a glimpse)of how this becomes to be, currently, if you have a family of 7 or more, you easily qualify, in food asistance alone, over $1000.00/mnth without having to have a job. You also can include in that house hold refuges who can not legally work. People who do have jobs, pay for these people to eat, live and reproduce. There isnt a half way. This is the system as it stands.

Obama will need more and more of these people's vote to stay IN OFFICE. His preformance really is flatline but for the debt he's pushing the country over the edge with. First black president or not.

The only way to support people who don't work, is to raise taxes of the people who do get up in the morning and go to work each day.

There is a larger agenda than just Obama though. It was in place before he even got there. A group of people put the spotlight on him, feeling strongly that he'd further their cause. He may want to stay in office, but this "system" was developing and in place before he even got there. Busch was a part of it as well as the clintons. It gets fuzzy prior to this for me.

The feeling I have is this system has an international tie to it. There are great financial rewards among the dictators of the world. There are things that are presented to the public like a commerciel or play, then there is this other thing that wheels and deals before there's even a hint of it to the outside world. It's like what we have as a stock market, but privately owned by a few select individuals and groups who benefit from their associations with these individuals.

This groups/(s) are outside of obama for the most part. His thing is mostly just ego. He's not a "big fish." Obama has Chicago politics and ties which in the big huge realm of things is just a spit in the bucket, but that's about it. He's well aware people are about to get hit with steep hikes and knows taxes will go up but he's going to call it something else in his mind, like "fairness." These taxes will affect everyone across the board, not just the wealthy.

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If this was a virus, many if not all who understood this type of growth to be one that would continue would take measures to protect their land and their families from taking over them. This is something that is happening. It's happened before and it's a bit of too many cooks in the kitchen to say the least...

How much does the federal gov. own?

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It took me forever to find where I wrote about illegals being legal. Somewhere else, I tied this into the health care bill. I'll have to find that later. This quote was taken way back in 2009 and it's now May of 2010. It helps me get a grasp of a timeline and anxiety about visions and issues.

Originally Posted By: Eleise - Clairvoyance

With the entitlement thing though, here's what ends up happening. Now, we're just seeing the beginning. I'll even go on record that people (if they are honest with themselves) are feeling this beginning even if they can't see it entirely. That's why I write about this so much. I am hoping people will be able to track for themselves, "When the bough breaks" which it does, so they will have something to survive the blow.

Finally, they (gov) are going to keep promising more and more funds for illegals and minorities in order to stay in power. Now here in the near future, the illegals, they will do something that makes all of the illegals/legal and the people will pay for those people in taxes on top of everything else.

Guess what? The people stop paying taxes that they use to and decide to stop working - this is slightly after the civil wars and becomes a revolt. The gov. will not be able to supply for all of the people of entitlement...

Below is a link from an articl my h usband was talking about with AZ passing some type of bill that allowed authoritis to investigate/ask questions if there was a fair amount of evidence that led them to believe you were in this country illegally.

Immigration Protests

Now I couldn't have planned this any better myself. It's one thing to feel something and try to help people brace themselves, it's another when you've got proof. And, here a picture is worth more than 1000 words.

Here is just a glimpse of people living here illegally that we pay for in terms of housing, food and soon to be health coverage.

I am absolutely NOT against immigration but I feel strongly, if you want to be here, you need to do your part. Right now immigrants don't have to pay any form of taxes for 7 years and those are the ones here legally. They sign over thier businesses to newly entering immigration family members/friends to extend those tax free dollars.

This in part along with the health care bill which will allow for amnesty will be what collaspes the country. I urge people to look below the surface of things that simply sound good, because they are going to be things that are in all liklihood, too good to be true.

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I totally agree. There are so many loop holes in the system for immigrants and also for illegals. I feel very guilty thinking that but it doesnt fit right with me how they are exempt from taxes for seven years. I live in Japan and I started paying taxes during my second year of residency.

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I stand with the Arizona Governor and the people of Arizona. I admire any person of influence who stands up for and protects the people of American. To boycot Arizona for trying to protect themselves is a political ploy for dishonest politicians to gain votes.

I remember you have felt this coming for quite some time, Elleise. There are smaller issues all over our country that will grow and become very troublesome. All it takes is for one negative voice to be planted and a minor issue can become a nation-wide threat of freedom and liberty.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
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Me too.

In all honesty, I feel the negative voices and complaints, etc. will be appropriated attention for votes. So we can expect those to rise and continue. Politicians will want to gain the trust of the impressionable and emotionally driven.

Expect voting issues to fall in prisons, as well as within the healthcare bill. Somehow, it comes to making amnesty the right way/most effective way to go but it won't be a publicized issue. It will fall amid the piles of paperwork.

I've looked into this AZ law and I concure with the govenor. Before we left the hotel we were previously staying, a group of illegals, of all places rented an room above us. They are here for farming season. They were all screaming "viva america." They're right. America is a beautiful place to be, but I urge people to think of america like you would a raft in the middle of the ocean.

If clouds of people came at you wanting to climb aboard, it might be great thinking, what your goals may be and what's in it for you, but common sense has to kick in...it can't hold and save everyone on it's own and our gov't doesn't make any money. It's taken locally and federally in taxes!

I love the saying, "Just because I speak with an accent, doesn't mean I think with one." My great grandmother is an immigrant and so is my grandfather. They came over here legally and paid taxes.

If you're here legally, there really shouldn't be an issue with the AZ bill. It would be like police being stationed at a 4-way stop sign and checking people who appear drunk or otherwise incoherent, asking for my legal license to drive. And, even if I didn't give them cause, I wouldn know I had my registration papers and license to drive and would know they were just doing their job.

This law has nothing to do with discrimination, no matter how much people scream that it does, but more to do with trying to gain some type of control over something that is spiraling out of it.

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I listened to much debate on the AZ bill, most of which is spinning and "pot-stirring." The bill is based on our current Federal law - DUH, Mr President! Much has been dicussed here about the creation of "Crises." We HAVE to act NOW! and having laws forced through Congress in midnight votes. I have the sense we are watching yet another crisis in the making and it's ludicris.

If you are pulled over for a traffic violation, what is the 1st thing they ask for? Ethnicity, Nationality, Citizenship is irrelevant. If you don't have your driver's license, proof of insurance and registration, you've violated the law.

I have compassion for those who come here seeking a better life. But if they all come, the situation here will become much closer to what they left behind, with little opportunity or support. We've been promised the Moon by the current administration, and those promises have been heard around the world. I find myself doubting the reports of a decrease in illegals coming across the borders due to our high unemployment rate.

Jane Winkler, Editor
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