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It is interesting how different people see things. I really prefer unusual names - I figure life is so mediocre so often that you have to do what you can to add a little wackiness and fun to things.

I actually went by the name Bean for about 15 years. Since my name is so short (Jill), people tended to add things to it, and Jillybean really stuck. When I went to college I figured I had a fresh slate and just introduced myself as Bean. I loved being Bean.

My old college friends still call me that.

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Nancy - Your point is well taken, and much appreciated. And parents really do need to take some responsibility in what they're going to name their children, as there could be consequence. However, I went to school with a boy named Kim. Maybe that wouldn't be too bad; however, he happened to move into town and move right next door to a girl, the same age, with the same name - both first AND LAST! I thought they had to be related, they could pass as sister and brother. Both of these Kim's were very good looking. Part of the popular crowd. Any problems that they had with their peers, had nothing to do with their names. OMG, My husband was hanging out with a neighbor of ours. HIS name, Hillary! When I first heard it, sure, I thought - girls name. I've since have been brainwashed, now when I hear a woman named Hillary, I think of "a guy named Hillary". People would ask me where my husband was, and I'd tell them he's over at Hillary's. I never found it necessary to explain, after awhile though, the rumors were coming back to me about how he was leaving me at home while he went and fooled around with Hillary, because everyone thought we were referring to a woman. LOL Now, his father, Caroll, had 3 sons, Hillary, Gayle and Kim. The father's belief was, that it was having a feminine name that made him a man. Caroll felt that he had provided his sons with a gift, a real man walks proudly, no matter what he's called. Hillary is currently in his 50s, and I've heard him correct people when they try to call him "Hill", and tell them that he prefers to be called by his given name "Hillary" We don't have any way to tell how a person's name is going to affect their character. And just as an unusual name may be a burden to some, perhaps a plain name can have an equally negative , if not worse affect? LIST ONE Chuck Burke Todd Anderson Paul Berthiaum Michael Cooke Michael Grimmett Antonio Mota Archie Parsley Larry Ries Arthur Antonio Craig Brown Kurt Miller Carl Desir William Alston Angel Benita Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn Richard Fergus Rich Fergus Boris Gertsenshetyn Jack T. LaMere Pete Manning Charles A. Morgan Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn W. Michael Strube James Welch Ronald Alston LIST 2 Alejandro Avila Dennis Bagwell Kirk Douglas Billie Arthur Gary Bishop Richard Chase John Evander Couey Pedro Alonso Lopez Donald 'Pee Wee' Gaskins Dean Corll Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris Lydia Trueblood Janie Lou Gibbs Marc Dutroux Charles Ng Ian Brady Darlie Routier Jeffrey MacDonald Ward Weaver lll LIST 1 -BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!

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Nancy - Your point is well taken, and much appreciated. And parents really do need to take some responsibility in what they're going to name their children, as there could be consequence. However, I went to school with a boy named Kim. Maybe that wouldn't be too bad; however, he happened to move into town and move right next door to a girl, the same age, with the same name - both first AND LAST! I thought they had to be related, they could pass as sister and brother. Both of these Kim's were very good looking. Part of the popular crowd. Any problems that they had with their peers, had nothing to do with their names. OMG, My husband was hanging out with a neighbor of ours. HIS name, Hillary! When I first heard it, sure, I thought - girls name. I've since have been brainwashed, now when I hear a woman named Hillary, I think of "a guy named Hillary". People would ask me where my husband was, and I'd tell them he's over at Hillary's. I never found it necessary to explain, after awhile though, the rumors were coming back to me about how he was leaving me at home while he went and fooled around with Hillary, because everyone thought we were referring to a woman. LOL Now, his father, Caroll, had 3 sons, Hillary, Gayle and Kim. The father's belief was, that it was having a feminine name that made him a man. Caroll felt that he had provided his sons with a gift, a real man walks proudly, no matter what he's called. Hillary is currently in his 50s, and I've heard him correct people when they try to call him "Hill", and tell them that he prefers to be called by his given name "Hillary" We don't have any way to tell how a person's name is going to affect their character. And just as an unusual name may be a burden to some, perhaps a plain name can have an equally negative , if not worse affect? LIST ONE Chuck Burke Todd Anderson Paul Berthiaum Michael Cooke Michael Grimmett Antonio Mota Archie Parsley Larry Ries Arthur Antonio Craig Brown Kurt Miller Carl Desir William Alston Angel Benita Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn Richard Fergus Rich Fergus Boris Gertsenshetyn Jack T. LaMere Pete Manning Charles A. Morgan Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn W. Michael Strube James Welch Ronald Alston LIST 2 Alejandro Avila Dennis Bagwell Kirk Douglas Billie Arthur Gary Bishop Richard Chase John Evander Couey Pedro Alonso Lopez Donald 'Pee Wee' Gaskins Dean Corll Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris Lydia Trueblood Janie Lou Gibbs Marc Dutroux Charles Ng Ian Brady Darlie Routier Jeffrey MacDonald Ward Weaver lll LIST 1 - http: //members.cox. net/lonelyprisoner/states.html LIST 2 -BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!

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Nancy - Your point is well taken, and much appreciated. And parents really do need to take some responsibility in what they're going to name their children, as there could be consequence. However, I went to school with a boy named Kim. Maybe that wouldn't be too bad; however, he happened to move into town and move right next door to a girl, the same age, with the same name - both first AND LAST! I thought they had to be related, they could pass as sister and brother. Both of these Kim's were very good looking. Part of the popular crowd. Any problems that they had with their peers, had nothing to do with their names. OMG, My husband was hanging out with a neighbor of ours. HIS name, Hillary! When I first heard it, sure, I thought - girls name. I've since have been brainwashed, now when I hear a woman named Hillary, I think of "a guy named Hillary". People would ask me where my husband was, and I'd tell them he's over at Hillary's. I never found it necessary to explain, after awhile though, the rumors were coming back to me about how he was leaving me at home while he went and fooled around with Hillary, because everyone thought we were referring to a woman. LOL Now, his father, Caroll, had 3 sons, Hillary, Gayle and Kim. The father's belief was, that it was having a feminine name that made him a man. Caroll felt that he had provided his sons with a gift, a real man walks proudly, no matter what he's called. Hillary is currently in his 50s, and I've heard him correct people when they try to call him "Hill", and tell them that he prefers to be called by his given name "Hillary" We don't have any way to tell how a person's name is going to affect their character. And just as an unusual name may be a burden to some, perhaps a plain name can have an equally negative , if not worse affect? LIST ONE Chuck Burke Todd Anderson Paul Berthiaum Michael Cooke Michael Grimmett Antonio Mota Archie Parsley Larry Ries Arthur Antonio Craig Brown Kurt Miller Carl Desir William Alston Angel Benita Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn Richard Fergus Rich Fergus Boris Gertsenshetyn Jack T. LaMere Pete Manning Charles A. Morgan Khalid Shamsud 'Diyn W. Michael Strube James Welch Ronald Alston LIST 2 Alejandro Avila Dennis Bagwell Kirk Douglas Billie Arthur Gary Bishop Richard Chase John Evander Couey Pedro Alonso Lopez Donald 'Pee Wee' Gaskins Dean Corll Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris Lydia Trueblood Janie Lou Gibbs Marc Dutroux Charles Ng Ian Brady Darlie Routier Jeffrey MacDonald Ward Weaver lll LIST 1 - [url=http://members.cox.net/lonelyprisoner/states.html]Inmate Penpals a list of names[/url] LIST 2 - [url=http://crime.about.com/od/history/u/famous.htm#s6]Names of Child Killers[/url] I was just curious, thought I'd do just a little research about the names of inmates, and the names of people who have done hideous things. I've provided 2 lists, which I randomly selected a complete list of names of convicts and killers. Please, know that it's not to find an issue to argue, rather, Nancy, you got me to thinking - it's nice to know that I can still do that :P But it appears that the majority of convicted felons have fairly common names. It COULD be rationalized that these people felt too ordinary because their name was so bland, therefore they rebelled against society. While it IS doubtful, it IS possible. Most people do have fairly common names - and some of those people have spent their entire life doing common things. And there are the handful, who no matter what their name was to be, success was in their DNA. I have yet to meet the person who made it through childhood and adolescence without something that wasn't uncomfortable. However, I do believe, that it's not about what happens in our life that makes us who we are, it's about how we react to it. It's our own personal judgments and perceptions that burden us with pain. What is it we acknowledge and what is it we ignore. The choices that we make as individuals. We create our own obstacles in life. At birth, we are given a body, usually with the typical 10 fingers and 10 toes; on the rare occasion, there are no arms for fingers to be attached to and some who will never experience worry about shoe size, because they were born without a need to wear shoes. There are some who are born hating their parents for allowing them to live, for conceiving with the knowledge of the possibility that they would pass on genetic mutation, and others who have mental health far more stable than those of us who have had seemingly perfect lives in comparison. So, to go through life, "If only I hadn't been named Bunny, I would've been able to have been taken seriously and I could've, should've, would've been able to cure all forms of cancer instead of working as a clerk in a convenience store...." Or, had I been given a less familiar name, than Janet, maybe I wouldn't have been considered so plain and invisible. The only thing that really makes something a curse or blessing? Perception. Again, I thank you all, Nancy & Jill, this has been a refreshing experience to ponder these things with you and discuss this topic. Diversity is a wonderful thing. What a boring place this would be if we were all named John and Jane, and if we all agreed on everything. You are Joy! Joyfully, Janet

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Hi Janet,

You make some excellent points. I love the anecdotes and research you're bringing in! They make this discussion that much more fun.

It's interesting that you bring up criminals, because many of the name studies I know of are about that very thing.

For instance, one study has shown that boys with unpopular names are more likely to break the law than boys with popular names. (The researchers, David E. Kalist and Daniel Y. Lee, published their findings in Social Science Quarterly.) Of course, odd names don't compel people to commit crime. But but they are often connected to other factors (e.g. low socioeconomic status, one-parent households) that do increase the tendency to commit crime.

Another study I know of has found that hard-to-spell and hard-to-pronounce names are perceived as more dangerous than simpler names. (The research, by Norbert Schwarz and Hyunjin Song, was discussed in TIME earlier this year.) If a person's name seems dangerous, he or she may be less likely to be approached by a well-meaning stranger, or even be hired to a new job.

Of course, we're much more than our names, I absolutely agree with you on that. You can be named Bunny, or Nancy, or Janet, or Sunshine...it doesn't really matter, if you're determined to succeed in life and you're willing to put in the effort necessary to achieve your goals. smile

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Thank you Nancy for your appreciation. I'm enjoying this forum. I love the diversity of topics. It's like twittering in long hand. :) I don't know how much credibility that I would put into some of the studies about names of people in prison. I have a few men and women who have done prison time. The people that I personally know - all have very ordinary names - Paul, Dave, William, John, Linda, Susan.... I even did a poll with them about the names of people who were incarcerated - they indicated that the only people who had unusual names were of other ethnicities. Otherwise, it was more or less the traditional every Tom, Dick and Harry name that was common among the thieves, murderers, rapists and other criminal. I wish it were as simple as a name to determine a positive beginning to help influence a positive future in a person. Going off the name topic - I do use my own personal observation and have my own theories that I've put into practice, along with intentions and developing plans to providing a positive influence within our prison system. The "system" currently in place does not rehabilitate inmates back into society. And it has a lot to do with society. Think about it - "We" as a society do not accept felons back into the majority of mainstream work places. WHY? Because "WE" do not trust "them". WHY? Because "we" do not believe that the person has been rehabilitated. How many success stories do you hear about convicts? About the only field of "work" available is in "religion", about the only place where a criminal can be socially accepted. Ok, I'll stop - because I could write a book of my opinions, theories, experiences, observations, etc. on the subject of criminal socialization. I'll bet if I looked a little more, I'll find the topic here in this forum - LOL! You are JOY!!!!

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A guy named Hillary huh? He's in good company because remember that John Wayne's real name is Marion, Plgrim.

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What is also interesting is how some names are off-limits because of relationships with names that are ingrained. Like Lucifer, Satan, Hades, Judas, Hitler. Not that I would want to name a child Hitler, but Lucifer is actually a pretty name.

Then there are the names that with the passing of the generations have become unpopular, like Bertha, Edith, Ethel.

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And PS- I LOVE men's names that are feminine - like Tracy, Jayne, Sandy, Lauren/Laurie, and the ones mentioned above.

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I Love the name Sunny! Its adorable, but sunshine is an alright name.


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