This morning it was bright and sunny and already quite warm by 8:00. I sat all my geraniums and petunias up on the patio wall to soak up the sunshine and dry out from last week's rain and thunder storms. They were all just sitting there like happy folks on a beach taking a sun bath, their little faces looking up to the sun.

About an hour ago it started to cloud up and within minutes the whole sky was overcast and big fat rain drops started pelting my flower folks! eek I gathered them all up and sat them on the patio table and opened the umbrella so the flowers would not get ruined.

Then the sun came back out and the clouds went away as fast as they came. smile

Last edited by Phyllis, NA and Folk; 06/20/09 03:49 PM.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
Avatar: Fair Helena by Rackham, Public Domain