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Brenda, yes...the books do get a little steamier as they go. blush

I did well over the weekend, but did have a small bowl of ice cream last night with fresh strawberries on top. Yum! I am trying...that's all I can do. I take it one day at a time. Today, I might be going over to my friends house to watch some movies. This will end up with us getting something good to eat...it always does! Maybe Chinese or maybe stuffed manicotti shells. And please do tell what you made over the weekend! I'm curious now! laugh

Lynne, I usually can't resist donuts, either. In fact, I had just been craving them last week and almost gave in. I was afraid that if I finished that whole donut that it would start up a craving. And goodness sakes, I've been craving home made cookies now for months! I have a recipe that I want to try, but I'm too chicken to do it right now. I'm afraid I'd go hog wild and stuff myself on them.

Laura, come out, come out wherever you are! How was your weekend, girlie? smile

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Good morning, friends.

I was OP yesterday. It's been chilly here so I made a big kettle of vegetable soup for supper last night. It was so good. I'm thinking of making white chicken chili for supper tonight. I love soups.

Janis, you wouldn't like what I made this weekend anyway. It was pork barbeque. I remember you're not a pork fan. smile I made some wonderful coleslaw to go with it though. Ok enough. I just had breakfast (yogurt) and now I'm hungry again. LOL

Idol should be good tonight. We're getting down to the finish. smile

Laura, where you be, girlie?

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Good morning.

I was OP yesterday.

I hope you all are having a good day.

I am in a horrible mood today. I need to shake it off.

What are you guys up to today?

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Originally Posted By: Gilded Lily
Good morning, ladies.

Today is "Hop back on the wagon Monday". As is every Monday. LOL

Janis, good job on the donuts. Anything flour based is my weakness. I love seeing you so motivated! *high five* Now, come over here and sit by me and maybe it will rub off. smile I don't want to tell you what I made this weekend, because it will just make me hungry... but the rest of it is going in the freezer. I tell you, if I couldn't take the weekends off, I'd go crazy. It has helped me make it this far!

Lots of kids in DD's class are reading/have read the Twilight books. DD can't read it though because I'm not ready to let her into the kissy-face stuff yet. That's what we call romance here. LOL I think the series gets more romantic as it goes along. Or at least that's what I'm told. Let me know what you think, if you don't mind.

I'm reading one of DD's books now too. smile It's City of Ember. The movie is really good.

Lynne, you have inspired me. I am ready to read Max Lucado again. It has been awhile. He writes beautifully. smile

Laura, where are you, sister friend? I hope you are doing ok. Pop in and let us hear from you. *hugs*
I am here hon, just busy and TIRED. Tom will be starting in a few days and I am feelin' it bad. I'm in a terrible mood today too!

Janis, great job on the portion control. I find that easier in a lot of ways rather than restricting myself from eating "this or that". It's amazing but sometimes just a bite or two, to taste something, is all I need to feel satisfied.

I am low carbin' today though, because I went hog wild eating a bunch of carby junk the last couple of days, and now I can't think straight. UGH.

Hi to Lynne. I should re-read Max too, as I have one of his books I really like.

Hope you girls are doin' good.

Last edited by LKBF; 05/06/09 01:46 PM.
LKBF #519105 05/07/09 10:00 AM
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Hi ladies.

I was OP yesterday. I would love to see a loss this week.

We had a talent show at Awana last night. It was fun! Just three more sessions and then that's it for the year!

Laura, it's good to see you! I hate it when my hormones get outta whack and start controlling my moods/behavior. I was that way yesterday. Even though I knew it was just hormones, I still had trouble dealing with it. I hate that. frown

Are you low carbing today?

What's up with DS? I miss hearing about him! smile

Janis, I wish I could just eat a bite or two of something really good (donuts!) and put it down. I am not like that at all! I have to have the whole thing. And then I go looking for more.

Idol is getting interesting, don't ya think?!

I meant to tell you that I used "The Seed" in Awana last week. I think that's the quietest the boys have been all year! They liked it! smile

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Originally Posted By: Gilded Lily
Hi ladies.

I was OP yesterday. I would love to see a loss this week.
I'll be rootin' for ya Brenda! *clapping*

We had a talent show at Awana last night. It was fun! Just three more sessions and then that's it for the year!
That sounds like FUN! Did your DD participate? If so, what did she do?

Laura, it's good to see you!
You too Brenda. laugh It's a little discouraging though, to post in here but then no one shows up until a day or two later. Hard to keep "conversations" goin', ya know? Most the time it is deserted.

I hate it when my hormones get outta whack and start controlling my moods/behavior. I was that way yesterday. Even though I knew it was just hormones, I still had trouble dealing with it. I hate that. frown
Me too! I'm feelin' much better today! How are you doing today?

Are you low carbing today?
Yup, although I am having some things like strawberries to keep some fiber in me. Cheated a little with a few chocolate chips too. I NEED chocolate I swear. I could be addicted. :P

What's up with DS? I miss hearing about him! smile
He's working and getting ready for school. He said a big group of Playmates came into work and the guys (including him,) all went ga-ga. *rolleyes* He and his friends are often here making music. I LOVE their stuff! They are trying to figure out a way they can perform it live. We'll see. The equipment would cost a small fortune.

LKBF #519564 05/08/09 10:49 AM
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Good morning ladies! smile

Laura, tom will be here in a few days for me, too, so that explains my extra hunger yesterday. Man, did I have to fight it all day long! And I couldn't understand why! So, when I checked the calendar, I realized it should start on Sunday or Monday. Usually, the week before, I am ravenous and crave sweets and carbs.

I've been doing pretty good without having to use a whole bunch of will-power, but yesterday, I had to dip into my very small supply of it. laugh I made a chicken, broccoli, rice & cheese casserole for dinner last night and ended up eating two helpings of it. I "should" have stopped at one, but NO!!! And then later on, I was craving something sweet, so I allowed myself one small little fun size Snicker's bar...just one...and took tiny bites so it felt like more. I guess I didn't do too much damage because when I checked my blood sugars this morning, they are kind of low...76.

I usually eat a banana in the morning, but I'm out of them, so I don't know what I'll have for breakfast this morning. I just need to prepare myself because I know the cravings are going to be bad today!

Oh, here's some good news. I went to the Dr. on Wednesday and according to the Dr.'s scale (and keep in mind that my appointment was at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and I wore jeans plus tennis shoes ;)), I am down at least 20 lbs from my highest weight and about 15 lbs since April 13th, the last time I was weighed at a Dr.'s office. So, I'm just moving right along. laugh Plus, I'm still anemic, which the Dr. thinks is what is causing all my strange symptoms. I'm relieved about that! I have to get another blood test and then she's going to put me on iron pills until I straighten up.

Brenda, I hope you're in a better mood now. wink And good job of staying on plan! It's already Friday and Friday's always feel like pizza nights, to me, but we'll just be eating left overs from last nights casserole. I think to be on the safe side, I better fix myself a big salad so I don't over eat on the casserole. It tasted almost too good to stop!

You has asked me a while ago to post my chicken and rice pilaf stuff, so here goes! Sorry about taking so long. I kind of forgot!

1/2 to 1 stick butter
1 cup long grain rice, raw
2 cups beef broth
1 onion, diced
8 mushrooms, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons basil
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 chicken breasts
handful of sliced almonds
salt and pepper to taste

In a medium sized skillet, I add the cut up raw chicken breasts (chunks) and cook them in a little oil with the garlic, tomatoes and basil. Add salt and pepper to season it a little. Turn off heat and set aside.

In a large stainless steel skillet, saute rice in the butter in until the rice is golden brown. Add in onions, mushrooms, almonds and saute for a few minutes. Add beef broth, the chicken mixture from the other skillet, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir it all up, crank up the heat until it begins to boil, and then lower the heat to low and put a lid on it. Cook it for 20 minutes. Stir and serve. wink

The recipe I made last night was really good and it's something I just made up, using the same kind of pretense of browning the rice, only I added in sour cream, cream of mushroom soup, dijon mustard, lemon juice and omited the tomatoes. I added broccoli and cheese and then baked it in the oven. It turned out really good! But it's much more fattening because of the sour cream and cheese, so that's why I'm going to eat a nice salad before hand so I only eat one serving of it.

Hi Lynne! *waves*

I've got to get my girl off to school now. Talk to you all later!

LKBF #519599 05/08/09 01:49 PM
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Hi friends. I hope you are all well today.

I was OP yesterday. I made pizza bread (on french bread) for supper last night and I feel swollen today. I need to watch the sodium a little better. I'm a salt HOG.

I spent most of the morning racing around Wally World. Shoooo... that'll wear ya out.

I AM in a better mood today and I hope you guys are too. I hate it when the hormones get all whacky. LOL

Laura, thanks for asking about DD. Yes, she was in the talent show and actually she WON FIRST PLACE! smile She and her BFF ( smile ) did a dance from the Hannah Montana movie... the Hoedown Throwdown and I helped them make a video to go on the big screen behind them as they danced. It was SO cute. 'Course I'm a little bit biased. smile They did practice it a lot though.

Sorry I've not been in here to post much. It's a really low traffic site... but did you notice how many views this thread has gotten. Weird.

Maybe we'll see your DS on the big stage someday. I wish him ALL the best.

Janis, I am loving your weight loss! I am so proud of you! And thank you so much for posting your recipe. I am going to put it in the meal lineup here. Hey, I keep meaning to ask you... do you live close to LA or any of the big cities? You know, all the people around here think all of CA is like Hollywood. LOL What's it like where you live? Swimming pools, movie stars? Heck, I know you've got the swimming pool part. LOL

Gotta run... DH is here for lunch. smile

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laugh Brenda, how easy it was to put that silly Beverly Hillbillies song in my head!

"Now the first thing you know, old Jed's a millionair...kin folk said, 'Jed, move away from there', said, 'California is the place you outta be', so they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly..." laugh Let's see...Bill Murray has a place here. Or so I've heard. We're just a little valley town that's gotten way overgrown with people. When we moved here, there was like 3,000 to 6,000 people...now we're getting close to 100,000. I don't like it! Making a trip through town anymore is just a pain in the rear end! I don't mind stop signs, but I hate stop lights and it seems like there's a new traffic light popping up on every corner now. Yuck! It used to be a nice little quiet place, but there are getting to be a lot of gangs here now. I would love to move!

And you already know that it's hot here. Too hot. In fact, our high today was 103! When there's no smog to mar the view, we've got some gorgeous mountains and hills to look at. We are truly nestled in a valley. Usually we're pretty lucky not to get smog here, but on occastion, it does slip in and then our gorgeous blue skies go bye-bye for a while. I'd like to go up north. I have always loved it up around Oregon and Washington.

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Hi ladies.

I lost 3 pounds this week. Finally. My weight loss is getting more and more dependant on the calander. Or the moon, however you want to think of it. LOL

I've lost 59 pounds so far. I would really, really like to lose 2 more before DD is out for the summer. Summertime is WAY worse for me. I do not lose much at all. I am a 'plan' and 'program' kinda gal. I can't stay on track as well in a 'vacation' environment.

Janis, I've always liked Bill Murray. He was in City of Ember that I was telling you about earlier. Your town certainly has grown! Mine is growing too. We used to be like Mayberry. Not so much anymore. I don't think I would be able to get used to gangs though. I hope they don't give you any trouble. Yikes, that is some hot weather y'all have! We are having an 'extended' Spring... temps are just in the lower 70's. Of course, it's raining all the time now. We had a dickens of a thunderstorm yesterday.

Laura, what are you doing this weekend? I'm sure there is ALWAYS something happening in your city. We saw a play last night. Very small town, but still very fun. smile

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