[font:Verdana] [b]Why people talking so much about dis-ease and cure of it?[/b] To understand the principles of dis-ease we should first look inside of us not outside. Any dis-ease is a sign of the body, your biological system and the controlling computer (brain), that YOU did something wrong with it. Good accept it, there is no problem with it. That can happen when we don't know specific things like what is in the food I eat, in the air I breath, how much "negative energy" is in my closer circumstance and how much can I take... Dis-ease means something is not on ease, not going easy, disturbed energy, blocked energy etc. It becomes critical when we ignore these signs permanently and after a long time something goes really wrong - finally we get sick, eventually very sick. This and only this fact is the cause of all - yes I say all diseases. We can never see only the symptom (Cancer, Heart, Liver, Brain, Joints etc.) we must see the entire system, the hole body, all meridians, organs everything. This is something the old Chinese discovered 5.000 years ago already and were able to change - fix problems. So can we agree we are a piece of nature. As long nobody harms nature it will grow an be beautiful over and over again. Nature expands by itself. Only humans were able to destroy nature, they caused the cancer on mother earth and now they get the cancer. Everything is memorized in the "quantum field" of all creation - what we give we get back. We give destruction, so we get it back (attraction), we give hate, we get it back too, we give peace and love - we get that back. We give healthy thoughts - you guess we get back heath and vitality and so on... So it is really the wrong point to start to think about treatment of ..... The only point and question is: Am I able and willing to change - transform - reverse - center myself and increase my energy. First comes the information *My decision to do it* than this information turns into energy and than comes the cure! Energy can't turn into information but information can turn into energy. Energy depends on time and space, information is out of time and space. Information always was, is and always will be. And the beauty of it - every human being has access to it. It's FREE. But some people create dis-eases because they - on the subconscious level - want to suffer. [b] Next question: Why and where does it comes from???[/b] Remote influence, early childhood conditioning, human environment - all based on the fear paradigm. e.g. 1) when I tell you - you have cancer and you will die. (even if you don't have cancer) Your thoughts will create the right, toxic environment mentally and physically to create cancer, because of FEAR! FEAR! FEAR! e.g. 2) Media: You see in the news the cancer rate in the U.S. and worldwide in increasing! Alarm - Bang - FEAR is activated and you run to the doctor to check. Positive example: A cancer clinic in Switzerland has One Major rule for every patient. They have to go (must) every day for at least one hour in the video room and watch (only!) funny movies! That's the rule. What happens a) those patients forget the thoughts of cancer and dieing for one hour or more and b) they increase their energy level, their vibratory level more than 100 times during that time - this is PURE self healing power. The cancer cure rate in that clinic went up to over 85% !!! Imagine it - close your eyes and take a deep breath feel well, happy and healthy - see yourself as you were before in you best energetic time and implant this thought on a daily basis. Forget all the conditioning of the Medical Industry - Of course they want you as a paying patient that's their business, that's how they make money. And second why all these millions of medications fail - they are designed for symptoms not for humans - hole body's, entire systems. Back to Nature - nature don't need your help as long you don't destroy. Nature is curing itself always. There is much more, nature also provides ALL the cures for even it's destroyers. That's pure LOVE - unconditionally right. So we come to the conclusion there is absolutely NOT one DIS-EASE existing on that planet what can not be CURED/ HEALED. Every disease is curable, every disease is curable. Remember the ingredients - Information (intention), Energy (light, magnetic, acoustic and electric - all what is in the body) and a source to increase the vibratory level. Herbs by the way are also on the informational level. Wish you all good health, vitality and lot's of pure love in your life. Best Regards There are no incurable diseases, only incurable people.[/font]