Ok so my last period was Nov. 21, 2008. I was expecting it around Christmas--nothing. New Year's--nothing. Made doc's appt. Finally this morning I started! (doc's appt is tomorrow--go figure!) So am I 3 weeks late or did I just skip Dec.'s and this is Jan's a week early? Who knows? But it is light flow and I have no cramps or anything else---I do SO HOPE this is MENOPAUSE!]

Another possibility is that it was messed up from the blood pressure meds I had been taking, one was new-ish, only been on it about 10 weeks. I decided this New Year's that I was over medicated---many indications--and weaned myself off them both and VOILA! I feel better and have better Blood Glucose and Blood Pressure readings than I have had in 3 years! (Which is about when I started gaining weight and having high Blood Sugar...hmmm...)

Note: I had been fighting with doctors about the meds for these 3 years and my body has rejected so many of them only to be put on others, with no relief of the symptoms I was taking them for!(I have Porphyria and it frequently gives me a paradoxical effect with drugs.) My doctor knew I was going off the meds and told me how to do the weaning down---he didn't like my decision but he knows I just won't go to see him anymore if he won't actually help me. I do not recommend this for everyone--but everyone does need to be an active partner in their health care.

So tomorrow I will have blood sugar and thyroid checked out---and thank GOD no pregnancy test! (I had my tubes tied 14 years ago--but you never know!)

I actually had a king-sized Snickers bar last night before bed for the first time in 3 years and my sugar reading this morning was 86! YAYAYAYAYAY! I am hoping I can start to cut back on the Glyburide soon too!


Se non potete resistere al calore, allora esca dalla MIA cucina.