To all or none,

Text taken at random from "The way of Mindfulness" by Master
Soma Thera from sri-lanka.

SATTANAM VISUDDHIYA=:For the purification of beings :For the cleansing of beings soiled by the stains of lust,hatred and delusion,and the defilements of covetise,called lawless greed and so forth.All reach the highest purity after abandoning mental taints.By way of physical taints,however,there is no cleansing of impurities taught in the Dhamma.

By the Great Seer it was not said
That through bodily taints men became impure.
Or by the washing of the body they became pure.
By the Great Seer it was declared
That through mental taints men become impure,
And through the cleansing f the mind they become pure.

Accordingly it is said "mentaltaints soil beings;mental cleaning sanctifies them*****

like a flower part of the Universe