I had a phone call last night so I couldn't do the Seastride class, I did make it to the Zumba class and I must admit I only stayed about 40 minutes of the 55 minute class.

Why didn't I stay for the last 15 minutes? This was a different instructor and she was HORRIBLE. Nice, but horrible. She told us in the beginning that it was choreographed so "it may be hard to keep up, but just try." She kept changing the steps, then when she did have a particular pattern, SHE would forget and say "oops sorry, let's just do this step until I can think of where I am." A routine so choreographed that you can't pick up where you're supposed to be if you mis-step? Really?

People where walking out in pairs. I tried for as long as I could, but...

She was really enjoying herself too!!!

So night I'm hoping to do Seastride (barring any phone calls) and the Zumba tonight is the regular instructor.

Dianne Walker

Action Movie Editor
Action Movies Site

How do I relax? I run!
Grandma to Half Marathon