Dan and I did 52 minutes of pieces chosen from the matrix today. Dan didn't like it. He said 'too free-form, too weird.' He preferred the 'real yoga' from Barbara Brenagh's DVDs, rather than the 'dancing' vinyasa stuff on the Fluid Power DVD.

I liked the stuff I picked out - some of it is quite exhausting!

Prana Flow Opening Meditation (7 mins)- Nice breathing, standing, arms out in and in and swung overhead. Then free form movement. Dan hated this; it was dancing to him. I loved it. Very energizing; a good wakeup to get limber.

Water Salutation (8 mins) - a version of the Sun Salute that is very undulating and goes in several directions. Fast, tiring and hard to keep up with. Dan tried at first and then bugged out. He hopped on the treadmill at this point. Lotsa Lunges. Undulating Downdogs. Tons of Full Updogs. I liked the waving the arms over the head and twisting parts.

Basic Fluid Backbend (10 min) - Starts out with repetitive vinyasa flows like downdog to cobra, over and over. Then moves on to harder poses like Camel, Wheel Pose (upward bow), all with flow movements. Very cool half wheel poses with flow - i liked those and felt very smooth. But by the time she got to Full Wheel Pose, I was tired! I could do one of them but she just kept going, like a machine. smile This was labeled as Intermediate level.

Prana Yoga Slow Wave (12 min) - a little bizarre. Lying on your back and sides, making swimming motions. Mostly freeform. Slow and nice calm section while still flowing with arms and legs in the air, waving around. Very easy.

Closing Meditation (5 min) - Sitting and gently swaying. Very nice. I like this meditation better than the Fluid Systems one I described in a post above (the one that is opening and closing your arms for seven minutes).

Shavasana (5 min) - Nice as usual. I was pooped.