You ask what kind of Christian I am. I follow no denomination. I follow jesus. I believe in Him. I don't allow men (or women) to influence my relationship with Him. I do attend a is Rocky Mountain Calvary Church in Colorado Spings. The reason I like this church is that the pastor follows the Bible verse by verse. He is accountable to the Word of God straight from the Bible. He applies it to his life and he's kinda funny. He's a real guy who just tells it like it is.

But I am a believer in Christ...not protestant, not Catholic...not anything like that. I don't have a problem with people who are...but I'm not into all the rules that come along with some of that for me.

Then you asked me how do I know that what I found is IT

I am merely saying that for me I have found it. I am different than I used to be. I am less selfish and less self centered. I think of others more often. I am at peace more than i have ever been before. I am content. I am grateful for the simplest things in life like a smile or kindness or heartfelt thoughtfulness. I recognize God in my world and am grateful that I have a wonderful Savior that knows me and accepts me. I have joy.

This is really the only answer I have....without being fingers get Your curiousity about me is welcome...being curous is how we get the answers we are searching for....