I'm a high school student writing my senior project paper on the effects of shelters on women and why we need the money for them and I need an interview or a survey to put in my paper So if you have lived in one of these shelters and are willing to participate in an interview with me please contact me via email @ Or answer these survey questions 1. Because of my experience in the shelter, I feel (please check yes or no): Yes No I know more ways to plan for my safety more hopeful about the future I know more about community resources more comfortable asking for help more confident in my decision-making I know more about my options more comfortable talking about things that bother me like I can do more things on my own 2. What about the shelter has made you feel most comfortable? 3. Over all, thinking about my stay here, I would rate the help I received at this shelter as: ___very helpful ___ helpful ___ a little helpful ___ not at all helpful 4. If a friend of mine told me she was thinking of coming here for help, I would: (please check one) ___strongly recommend she come ___ recommend she come ___ recommend she not come ___ strongly recommend she not come 5. I consider myself to be a survivor of (check as many as apply): ___Domestic violence ___Sexual assault ___Dating violence ___Stalking ___Childhood Abuse ___Other (please describe) _____________ Your help is greatly appreciated
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