Hi! I just read a great article on ABC News that I thought some of you might be interested in, as well. The article makes the suggestion that you are more likely to be approved for a "flex time" schedule if you approach your boss as part of a group, rather than just by yourself.

Anyway, the author makes some great points. I'm interested in hearing if any of you ever approached your bosses for flex-time or work-at-home options. Personally, I once had a job where I could work from home several days a week, but that was all negotiated during the interview phase, rather than after I was on board. How about you?

Here is the link to the article:
Posted By: Lynn_B Re: "Flex-Time" article from ABC News/ link - 10/16/06 03:20 AM
I currently telecommute two to three days a week. This wasn't an option with my agency until four years ago (I've been at the job for nine now). I still have difficulty with a boss that likes to see you on a daily basis.

Job sharing simply isn't an option for me.
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