Posted By: Julie-Cleaning Gamers For A Cure, Autism Awareness - 05/08/08 05:06 PM
Hi all!

My daughter is High Functioning Autistic and because of chasing down answers for her entire little life, my husband has joined with two other parents of children in the autism spectrum to help create Gamers For A Cure.

Right now the focus is on XBOX live games and tournaments with proceeds going to different autism awareness foundations. The whole GFaC organization is very new, so the big 'live' video gaming tournaments have not occurred just yet.

We have sponsors who donate prizes, so money collected that people pay to participate go (at this time) %100 to the charities we support. Charities/foundations are chosen by founders and members and change according to need.

For example, the first BIG live event will be in Buffalo, NY and all proceeds will be donated to the Heritage Education Program which helps autistic and non-spectrum disabled children. The next event may sponsor the local Summit program which supports ONLY spectrum children and their families.

I am donating my time as a writer to help them write letters to sponsors and other writing needs. If you would like more information, visit the site, email me, or my husband directly. Or ask questions here! (questions, suggestions, anything!)

My personal email- j.fletcherwriter{at}gmail{dot}com
My husband- robfletcher[AT]gamersforacure[DOT]com
Thanks Julie, my brother is high functioning. I'll check it out.

P.S. change your husbands email like yours so he doesn't get spam.
Originally Posted By: Violette - Daughters
Thanks Julie, my brother is high functioning. I'll check it out.

P.S. change your husbands email like yours so he doesn't get spam.

I would be mean and let him have the spam, but I won't. :-)

Does your brother like playing video games? My daughter is 6, but she loves to watch them. It's kind of neat because she uses it as a way to see that some things are not real, then talks about it.
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