Posted By: Anita Aileen Bad news for probiotics? - 01/28/08 06:42 PM
News reports recently included headlines such as "Healthy bacteria linked to 24 deaths." The healthy bacteria referred to here are substances called probiotics -- biologicals that are beneficial to the body. An example is the culture bifidus regularis, a bacterium grown in yogurt which is touted as a solution for chronic constipation.

The headlines are probably disturbing to anyone who eats yogurt or similar products on a regular basis. But the headline doesn't tell the whole story. The deaths in question occurred during a study of probiotic treatments for acute pancreatitis. Most probiotic products, such as Dannon's DanActive with L. casei immunitas, are intended for the prevention, not the treatment, of disease.

Do you use probiotics? Whether you do or not, what is your opinion about the outcome of this study? I am creating a poll in conjunction with this post; I hope you will vote as well as reply.

Posted By: joanj Re: Bad news for probiotics? - 01/29/08 12:59 PM
I use probiotics and have for about 2 years. I think it really helps keep my husband and I healthy.

I hope that the study doesn't keep people from using probiotics. Which points up the fact that if you want to use any product or supplement you should do thorough research. Just hearing about one adverse study shouldn't be enough to make people think probiotics is harmful.

Studies go back and forth on all subjects. One day something is good for you and then next day it's bad-remember the egg debate? I think people should decide what makes them feel better, do their homework and look at all sides of an issue.
Posted By: Anita Aileen Re: Bad news for probiotics? - 01/31/08 11:24 PM
I completely agree. This particularly study was poorly designed to start with. The results were then blown out of proportion by the headlines. If people do not research for themselves, they will be swayed by every headline they see (I'm preaching to the choir here, of course grin).

Each person is responsible for what goes into their bodies, so they need to find out what the most accurate, up-to-date data is. Also, we should keep in mind that virtually every substance (food or otherwise) in the world causes health problems for someone!
Posted By: Bonniesa Re: Bad news for probiotics? - 03/12/08 04:34 AM
I use probiotics and buy the supplement at trader joes. My son did not like the activia and I used to buy him soy yogurt and he liked that and I like the ice cream that says it is yogurt blends.
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