�Hola a todos! Hello everybody!

Now that May is here, it's time to talk about this month's book:

First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)by Angel Flores.

I'll be posting and answering your questions. On the other hand, would any of you like the idea of scheduling a chat to talk about this book?

Hope to hear soon from you.

�Hasta pronto!

I'd like to start with the fist story: "El burro de Burid�n". Have you already read it? It's a short story, with only present tense verbs.

You may have already discovered the Vocabulary section at the end of the book, but in case you have questions regarding this story (or any other in the book) post them here. I'll be waiting! :-)

Meanwhile, for those who have already read the text, I invite you to answer the questions you can find on page 113. Concretely, the questions belonging to the 'Ejercicio oral':

1. �Qui�n es el due�o del burro?
2. �Qu� tiene para comer?
3. �Por qu� no come?

And what's more important... Stop thinking 'Oh, well, I'll make mistakes' or 'Oh, I can't!!'. Just try it, ok? I'm here to help you!
<img src="/images/graemlins/rolling.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/11/05 01:21 AM
I'm not sure how any of this even works.
Hello Gerg,

Maybe you don't understand how the Spanish Book Club works?

In that case, you can take a look at:

But if your question is about any other subject, please let me know, ok?
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/12/05 11:13 AM
The questions you posted, are they to be answered by others which will then be posted for all to see or are they to be answered on our own?

I'm not too fimiliar with how to see all the post and I only got to this place by accident.
Hi Gerg,

The aim of this topic, and concretely of this Book Club,is to share opinions, questions, comments on the month's book; in this case, the May book is:

First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)
by Angel Flores

The questions I posted are to be answered directly here, so that I can correct any mistake, if necessary. But maybe some people prefer to e-mail me their answers, and then I can post my comments or just clarify any question they may have.

It's a place to ask questions, to say why did you like the book or why you didn't. And what I really want is to help all your question about Spanish. Let's say that this is just "an excuse" to practice Spanish and to get help if needed.

So, you can either answer the questions or ask for help, if you didn't understand a concrete sentence or expression, etc.

On the other hand, you said you don't know how to see all the post.

You can go to the Spanish Language Forum main page:
Spanish Language Forum

And the main page of the Spanish Language site, at is here:

Spanish Language -

Hope this helps!
<img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/12/05 11:08 PM
�Qui�n es el due�o del burro?

Juan Burid�n es el due�o del burro?

�Qu� tiene para comer?

El burro tiene una gran cantidad de avena y al otro un cubo de aua comer.

�Por qu� no come?

El burro no come por que no sabe que decidir.
Hola Gerg!

Your answers are correct! Let me tell you that in your second answer, the word is "agua", not "aua". More, you should have ended the sentence as follows:

... y al otro lado un cubo de agua PARA comer.

Ok, this is just a comprehension test, and I see you understood the story.

Anyway, did any of you found any word, construction... hard to understand? If so, you can post your questions here.
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/14/05 08:34 PM
Angeles, Que tal? Voy a comprar el libro primero Miercoles. La tienda de libros no tiene First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)by Angel Flores.

Angeles, is that correct voy a comprar? Is that the rule for I am going to [do something....]?
Hola Angie!

Yo estoy bien, gracias. �Y t�, c�mo est�s?

Yes, that's correct, it is "voy a comprar", for "I am going to..."

When you said "Voy a comprar el libro primero Miercoles", I think you meant "I'm going to voy the book NEXT Wednesday"?
If so, you should say "Voy a comprar el libro el pr�ximo mi�rcoles". (Note also that in Spanish, days of the week, months, etc., don't use capital letters).

Ok, now, here is my answer in English / Spanish:

Anyway, in case you want to buy it at Amazon, this is the link:

(De todos modos, en caso de que quieras comprarlo en Amazon, este es el enlace:)

First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)
by Angel Flores

Hope to hear soon from you!
Espero tener noticias tuyas pronto!
Posted By: taura Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/15/05 02:45 PM
Nunca en mi vida tuve oportunidad de leer un libro hispano. Ahora veo que no siempre vale la pena aprender idiomas. Si uno prospera economicamente a tiempo, puede servirle de algo. Pero les deseo suerte. George.
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/15/05 04:12 PM
Tengo los libros de la escuela pero no son los libros de la historia (story books?).
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/15/05 04:15 PM
Tengo los libros de la escuela pero no son los libros de la historia (story books?). I ordered el libro y puedo conseguirlo el mi�rcoles.

Gracias por el enlace.
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/16/05 04:45 PM
�Es el mejor para leer el lado espa�ol primero entonces el lado ingl�s o es el mejor para leer el lado ingl�s primero entonces el lado espa�ol?
Hola Angie,

Sorry for the delay! (�Perdona my retraso!)

About your question, yes, 'storie books' can be translated as 'libros de la historia', although this, in Spanish, sounds like "history book". In fact, we have the same term 'historia' for both, story and history. Maybe you could call it "libro de historias", or better "libro de cuentos".

Y ser� perfecto si tu puedes tener el libro el miercoles!
And it will be perfect if you can have the book on wednesday! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Hola Gerg,

Esta es una buena pregunta. Desde mi punto de vista, creo que es mejor leer primero la parte en espa�ol, y despu�s, si tienes alguna pregunta o hay algo que no entiendes, puedes leer la parte en ingl�s, y esto te ayudar� a entender mejor el texto.

Por otro lado, si lees primero la parte en espa�ol, esto te ayuda a hacer un esfuerzo para poder entender el texto.

�Y t� que piensas?

For those who need a help with texts in Spanish, this is the translation:

Hello Gerg,

This is a good question. From my point of view, I think it's better to read the Spanish part first, and then, if you have any question or there is something you don't understand, you can read the English part, and this will help you understand the text.

On the other hand, if you read first the Spanish text, you'll have to make an effort to understand it.

And what do you think?
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/17/05 12:26 AM
Leo in espanol y tradusco in inglesias; pues leo in inglesias. Que es mejor, yo no se.
Hola Angie,

So you first read in Spanish and translate into English; then, yo read it in English.

Well, I think that can work!

By the way, can I make some comments?? <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Ok, you wrote:

Leo in espanol y tradusco in inglesias; pues leo in inglesias. Que es mejor, yo no se.

It is "Leo EN espa�ol y traduzco EN INGL�S (or: "AL INGLES")" (Note that inglesias is a mixture between ingl�s (English) and iglesias (churchs).

"DESPUES ("pues" = so, then) leo EN INGL�S".

The rest is fine!

Hope this helps!
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/17/05 11:14 PM
Angeles, Gracias.

Hoy es un dia lindo. Mia amiga e yo andamos durante lonche.
�De nada, Angie!

And note that...

It is "Mi amiga", as "mia" = mine, not my.
Also, it is "Mi amiga Y yo", not "e yo";

Oops, what did you mean with "lonche"? <img src="/images/graemlins/rolling.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/18/05 11:59 PM
lonche is lunch (midday meal)
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/19/05 12:47 AM
El due�o del burro es el filosofo llamado Juan Burid�n. (How do you map on the keyboard the accent to go in the other direction?)
El burro tiene avena y agua.
El burro no come porque no sabe que decidir si comer or beber.

the fist story: "El burro de Burid�n". Have you already read it? It's a short story, with only present tense verbs.

answer the questions you can find on page 113. Concretely, the questions belonging to the 'Ejercicio oral':

1. �Qui�n es el due�o del burro?
2. �Qu� tiene para comer?
3. �Por qu� no come?

Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/19/05 04:12 PM
I can't seem grasp the placing of the subject and verb. It is backwards compared to english. Any good books available to help with this?
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/19/05 10:28 PM
The subject and the verb are similar to English; however, the adjective follows the noun. Frequently, a pronoun is omitted in the sentence when it is the subject.

You may be able to find a used Spanish text book at a Friends of the Library book sale or at a yard sale.
Hello Angie and everybody:

First, my apologies, as I've been "a little bit ill" and didn't have strengh to even sit down and take a look at this forum. But... I'm back! <img src="/images/graemlins/rolling.gif" alt="" />

Ok, Angie, so you meant (a lot of time ago!!) "lunch". This is what we call in Spanish "almuerzo" or "comida".

I guess... Would you be able to post again your sentence? yes? Please! ;-)

lonche is lunch (midday meal)
Hola Angie,

In order to to type Spanish accents, you can visit this link, I think it's quite complete, as it explains how to do it, depending on you Operating System:

How to Type Accented Characters

Ok, now, your answers look so good! Just something: your last answer says: no sabe que decidir si comer or beber. . I suppose you didn't notice it, but it is "o" not "or". The rest is correct!

Go on this way!

El due�o del burro es el filosofo llamado Juan Burid�n. (How do you map on the keyboard the accent to go in the other direction?)
El burro tiene avena y agua.
El burro no come porque no sabe que decidir si comer or beber.

the fist story: "El burro de Burid�n". Have you already read it? It's a short story, with only present tense verbs.

answer the questions you can find on page 113. Concretely, the questions belonging to the 'Ejercicio oral':

1. �Qui�n es el due�o del burro?
2. �Qu� tiene para comer?
3. �Por qu� no come?

Hola Gerg!

Ok, the answer Angie posted is very good; As she said, the placing of both, subject and verb, is the same in both languages. But Angie was also right when she wrote that the adjective does not work the same way: in Spanish, the adjective is placed after the noun, but in English not.

i.e.: El libro [color:"red"]rojo[/color] / The [color:"red"]red [/color]book.

The only exception, in Spanish, is in poetry / literature:

El [color:"blue"] azul [/color] mar / The blue [color:"blue"]sea[/color].

You can read more about this here:

Spanish adjectives

Hope this helps!

I can't seem grasp the placing of the subject and verb. It is backwards compared to english. Any good books available to help with this?
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/22/05 06:58 PM
domingo - 22 mayo

Hoy es un dia lindo. Mia amiga e yo andamos durante comida. Andamos un kil�metro.

lunes - 23 de mayo de 2005.

Good, Angie!

But let me tell you... ;-)

It is "mi amiga" not "mia amiga", as the word "mia" is "mine". It is as if you said: "mine friend and...".

Another question is "e" in "mia amiga e yo"; note that the Spanish conjuction for "and" is "y", so it would be:

"Mi amiga y yo..."

We use "e" instead of "y" when the following word starts with an "i" sound.

i.e.: "aguja e hilo".

Finally, I'd say "durante la comida" (including the article "la").

Ah! One more thing! The preterite tense for the verb "andar" (to walk) is irregular, so it is:

"Anduvimos un kil�metro".

(Great for the accent, in "kil�metro"!!)
Posted By: Angie Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/23/05 10:35 PM
Well, as you said, I got the accent right <G>

I'm dense about the mia and mi and the e and y - something to work on. I'll have to write the sentence a dozen times to practice (like I did as a child in school when you misspelled a word).
Hola Angie!

You had many things right, not just the accent!!

I must tell you you're right about writing the sentence several times, as repetition is a good way to learn, yes, sounds a bit "strange" but, when learning a language is quite helpful.

In few words, I can tell you this:

Mi is always followed by a noun: Mi amiga, mi casa, mi perro. (My friend, my house, my dog).

On the other hand we have mia:

Esta casa es m�a. (m�a = mine) As you can see, there is no noun after "m�a".

Hope this helps!

Well, as you said, I got the accent right <G>

I'm dense about the mia and mi and the e and y - something to work on. I'll have to write the sentence a dozen times to practice (like I did as a child in school when you misspelled a word).
�Hola a todos!

Ok, I've just read a new story: "14. La Maldici�n Gitana". (page 24).

Has any of you already read it?

What about if you try to write some 3-4 sentences, in Spanish!, and tell us about this story? If you want, you can just write about the story, or maybe you prefer to share with us your oppinion on "La Maldicion Gitana".

I'll be waiting! And of course, any question you may have about it, just post it here, ok?
Posted By: Angie Re: LA MALDICIÖN GITANA. - 05/26/05 02:37 AM
Gracias. Lo leer� (I will read it) esta noche o ma�ana.

Correction: Have any of you read it yet? I think yet is better in this case.

�Hola a todos!

Has any of you already read it?

<img src="/images/graemlins/wall.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> �Gracias, Angie!!

Thank you for the correction! You know, I'm also learning a foreign language!

And... your post is correct! And good use of the future tense!
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/27/05 12:27 AM
I noticed there doesn''t seem to be quotation marks in Spanish as in English. This is in La Maldic�on Gitana.
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/27/05 12:29 AM
Another thing, in number 14, Don Pablo, is this a proper noun if so why isn't Don capitalized?
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/27/05 12:39 AM
por lo menos --- does not translate directly
Hola Gerg,

Ok, I just typed the quotation marks, to refer to this story; you're right, there are no quotation marks in Spanish / English stories.

About Don Pablo, it's funny, as the Spanish text says "don" and the English one says "Don"! Note that "don", the complete word, has to be writen "don" (not capitalized). On the other hand, if we use the abreviacion for "don", that's "D.", then it must be writen with capital letter.
In fact, "don" is not a name, but a treatment, similar to "mister" in English, so, I think the best translation for "don Pablo" would be "mister Pablo".

Finally, the expression "por lo menos" is translated as "at least" in the book, and i think that's the correct translation.

Hope this helps, Gerg!
Posted By: gerg Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 05/27/05 04:23 PM
What does the 'lo' mean or do for said expression? Is it a adjective of sorts?

'lo', here is a neuter article. You may already know that in Spanish we have 'la' (feminine singular definite article) and 'el' (masculine sing. definite article), which correspond to the English 'the'.

'lo', as a neuter article, is followed by a word (usually an adjective) that expresses an abstract idea, and it corresponds to the English The + adjective + noun.

i.e. 'lo divertido' = 'the amusing thing'

But, note that "por lo menos" is an expressions used as it is, to express 'at least'.
Posted By: Angie Re: LA MALDICIÖN GITANA. - 05/28/05 02:58 AM
La Maldici�n Gitana es muy interesante pero la storia es m�s dificil leer.
Yes, the story is a little bit difficult, but I think this could be a good exercises to improve your skills.

You know that you can always post your question about it here, ok?

oh, some corrections, Angie: It is 'historia', not 'storia'.
And 'es m�s dif�cil de leer'.

Note that in Spanish we use the same word 'historia' to refer to English terms: 'history' and 'story'.
Posted By: Angie Re: LA MALDICIÖN GITANA. - 05/29/05 12:24 PM
I did not check my dictionary <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

de leer? Why is de used with the infinitive? Is it an idiom?
It is the way the English expression is translated:

Easy to read --> F�cil de leer

Difficult to understand --> D�ficil de entender.
�Hola a todos!

Well, May is gone and June is here!
[color:"blue"]�Bueno, mayo se fue y junio est� aqu�![/color]

What do you think about May book (First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book )?. Easy? Difficult? Interesting?
[color:"blue"]�Qu� piensas sobre el libro de mayo First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book )?. �F�cil? �D�ficil? �Interesante?[/color]

Reply to this post with your comments and thoughts, or, if you prefer, send us your feedback with the poll I've just included. Hope to hear soon from you!
[color:"blue"]Responde a este mensaje con tus comentarios y pensamientos, o, si prefieres, env�anos tu 'feedback' con la encuesta que acabo de incluir. �Espero tener noticias vuestras pronto![/color]
La problema es tiempo. El libro es interesante pero deficil tambien.

Yes, I think you're right, Angie; maybe we should spend more time to read and comment the Spanish books.

Si, creo que tienes raz�n, Angie; quiz�s deber�amos emplear m�s tiempo para leer y comentar los libros en espa�ol.

Ah, I have a correction: It isn't "la problema" but "el problema". This masculine words, are called "false friends" as we follow the rule, it ends with an "a" (problemA), and should be feminine. But not, it is masculine.

'El problema es el tiempo'

There are other similar masculine words, ending in -a, ie.: el clima, el teorema, el pijama.

The rest is perfect!! ;-)

Ya estas leyendo este libro: "First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)
by Angel Flores?" Cual historia?
�Hola Khara!

�Entonces tu hablas espa�ol!!

Bueno, este libro es del mes de junio, pero "El principito" tiene dos meses: Julio y Agosto. De todas formas, tu siempre puedes empezar con el libro que quieras, pues el forum estar� siempre abierto para los libros que ya hemos leido. Entonces, si quieres leer ahora "First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides)", puedes hacerlo y postear aqu� tus preguntas o comentarios.

�Espero que esto te ayude!

[color:"blue"]Hello Khara!! So, you speak Spanish!!

Well, this book was for June, but "El principito" has two months: July and August. Anyway, you can always start reading the book you prefer, as the forum is always open for all the books we have already read. Then, if you want to read now "First Spanish Reader: A Beginners Dual-Language Book (Beginners' Guides) you can do it and post here your questions or comments.

Hope this helps you!
Posted By: als Re: SPANISH READING CLUB - May Book . - 09/12/13 01:02 AM
I have been looking for this service and I found this one BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
Originally Posted By: als

I have been looking for this service and I found this one I am not sure about the quality or the origin of their offering. Has anyone have looked into this before? If you have any other options you know are worth the time to check out, please post them here. Thanks!

Hello, als!

It seems you post was not showing due to a link you included. The message it shows is " BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!"

So, let's see if with this post, where I have quoted you, your post shows right. If not, I'll edit it. I guess the link you want to share with us is

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