I have an important task that I need to take care of for my internet business and I soooo don't want to do this. I've been procrastinating for over a week now.

I knew I had to get busy doing it this week and am finally getting around to it today but even the thought of this was stressing me out for the past two days.

How do you handle business procrastination when you're your own boss! I still have not figured this out. Sometimes I think waiting until the pressure is intense actually works in my favor but not sure the stress is good for me.
I don't know why I even procrastinate. The task is never as unpleasant as I imagine and I usually learn all kinds of stuff in the process too. I'm 1/3 done with it and happy I finally got started with it!
I finished and I feel like a weight has been lifted off chest! I had planned on finishing this task in 3 days but started feeling so relieved after I started that I finished in 2 days instead. Now I can move on to the fun stuff!
Tips to Overcome Procrastination-
1. Become Aware. Make a conscious effort to pay attention to procrastination.
2. Break it Down.
3. Disconnect.
4. Don't Wait for the Perfect Moment.
5. Know your Power Hour.
6. Set an Artificial Deadline.
7. Streamline Processes with Commercient SYNC and IoT Pulse.
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