Don�t let holiday blues get you down! There are methods of fighting off the funk. Here are a few of our favorite ways to enjoy the holidays.

How to Spend the Holidays During or After Divorce
You know?

Someone once told me (back when I was working in a brokerage thingy) anywho...they said, "We make the most of the holidays, best we can."

It was an advertising acct.

I was just the front manager, so you really don't speak much, you do numbers and just the stuff other people don't want to be bothered by.

I thought though after they left...then it's YOU that makes much more of the holidays than what's really going on.

After I thought that I thought sentimentally,

Love is love ...

It's a passion, a memory, honoring of someone or something's that's maybe passed on, a pet, a bird, etc.

We have upcoming, what's called Valentines Day.

It doesn't necessarily have to be the most perfect sense of a romance novel...just a celebration of what it is that still makes you feel. smile


Good advice! I think people forget that they can love and celebrate themselves and the good in their life. Many approach holidays from a place of scarcity and what we don't have instead of looking at what we do have and the enormous amount of love we have for ourselves and others.

It is true that being alone can be painful. Trying to spend time with others (relatives, friends, neighbors) during these times can really help get us through.
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