Posted By: Alegra - Cooking for Kids Biology Site Changes - 12/09/06 09:45 PM

I am the new Biology Site Editor. You may have noticed some changes to the page over the past couple weeks, such as the subjects and arrangment of articles. I will be posting new articles weekly, and I will begin sending newsletters three times a month. Sign up for the newsletter to keep up to date with biology happenings and new articles!

Many of the subjects are renamed to be more specific or have a slightly different focus, but have remained somewhat similar in topic. However, I have created a new subject, Biologist Biographies, which is completely different than anything previously on the site. The first in this ongoing series is Ignaz Semmelweis. I hope you enjoy this and other changes!
Posted By: Alegra - Cooking for Kids Re: Biology Site Changes - 12/13/06 03:35 AM
I voted for Rosalind Franklin because I think she is an interesting woman who did not receive credit for her most important discovery during her lifetime.

Eventually I will write about all three of these scientists, but YOU can decide who gets to be first!
Posted By: lagartija Re: Biology Site Changes - 12/13/06 07:00 PM
My vote is for Rosalind Franklin because it's good to learn more about that which we know the least. Thanks!
Posted By: Alegra - Cooking for Kids Re: Biology Site Changes - 12/19/06 07:39 AM
The Rosalind Franklin article is now up!

I guess Gregor Mendel will go up next. Keep your eye out for him in a couple of weeks.
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