Posted By: "Rosie" Overhydration - 05/26/08 08:36 PM
A friend was talking is it possible to drink to much water?
In answer to her;
Over hydration occurs when the body's intake of water is greater than its output. The excess water in the body causes the sodium in the blood stream to become overdiluted. Drinking excessive amounts of water doesn't usually cause over hydration if the pituitary gland, kidneys, and heart are functioning normally.An adult would have to drink more than 2 gallons of water a day to exceed the body's ability to excrete water.
Overhydration is much more common in people whose kidneys don't excrete water normally, such as those with heart, kidney, or liver disease. People with these problems may have to limit the amount of water they drink and the amount of salt they ingest.
As with dehydration, the organ most susceptible to overhydration is the Brain. When overhydration occurs slowly, the brain cells have a chance to adapt, so very few symptoms occur.
When overhydration occurs quickly a person can develop Mental confusion, Seizures, and Coma.
Doctors try to distinguish between overhydration and excess blood volume. With overhydration, excess water is found both within and around the cells and doesn't generally result in signs of fluid accumulation. With excess blood volume, the body also has too much sodium and therefore can't shift water into the reservoir within cells. In conditions of volume overload such as heart failure and cirrhosis of the liver, Fluid accumulates around cells in the chest, abdomen, and lower legs. Distinguishing between overhydration and excess blood volume is often quite complicated, as overhydration can occur by itself or along with excess blood volume.
Posted By: Lisa LowCarb Re: Overhydration - 05/27/08 01:51 AM
Right they talk about at marathons that some people would actually drink too much water by grabbing every single water glass they passed. So it's important for them to get some salt with the water, to maintain the balance.

I think several years back that at a college frat hazing they made the new kids drink gallons and gallons of water, and one of them died.

Oh - here we go - someone died drinking tons of water to try to get a Wii in a contest ...

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Posted By: BellaOnline Re: Overhydration - 05/27/08 07:44 PM
I think we can all agree that drinking too much water would have to be done in a "chugging" - seriously overdrinking situation and not in normal daily life smile

Posted By: "Rosie" Re: Overhydration - 05/27/08 07:54 PM
Of course,
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