Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Dream Messages - 04/13/07 05:54 PM
I have had several people mention dreams over the past couple of weeks. There is so much information out there on sixth sense capabilties, it is understandable the amount of fear that can go along with it.

Things we don't understand usually parallels on some level, fear and rebuttle, followed by curiosity, then understanding.

More often than not messages do come in dreams but will rarely be exact, but can be close. They are usually symbolic with information that can be useful. We can receive psychic images in dreams and visitations (visits from those who have passed on to another plane).

The dream-state is a form of consciousness. Our dreams are all energy and serve in many different ways. When we do receive messages, they rarely depict something horrible, but can align with certain events. They do this because we are all connected through a vital, creative and spiritual source - God, universal creator, etc.

When we look at it this way, much of our potential is rarely identified without the challenges of exceeding our own expectations. We can see where positives and negatives intersect creating higher good. We then become more able to reduce our fear in relating to the unknown or and can view anything that clears out the old, much in the same way we see organic decay providing a bed for something new to come.

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Posted By: tiamat4 Re: Dream Messages - 04/17/08 06:53 AM
After my mother died I had a lot of dreams where we would get together and chat. When it began she was talking, but as it progressed she spoke less and less, and communicated more through telepathy and gesture. The last one was when I was pregnant. She came to tell me everything would work out eventually. Shortly after that dream I had a miscarriage. Trying again. I realized that it would probably take a while before things work out, but still have hope that they will.

Your last line: We then become more able to reduce our fear in relating to the unknown or avoided much in the same way we see organic decay providing a bed for something new to come.

Reminds me of what I just said.
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 04/18/08 03:53 PM
I know what you mean. Most of my dreams are telepathic but they can be gestured. Maybe it's one of those things where I just need pictures, lol. It sounds like your mom was adjusting you to a new form of communication. Once you got the hang of it, then you both could continue in thought. It sounds wonderful though.

I had a dream/visit when my dad had gone on a trip he did not tell the kids about which I later found out was to see our grandmother. During that time I had this dream/visit where I didn't see her but heard her. It began with hearing my name being called. It had an echoe tone to it. She told me to tell my dad she misses him and will see him again and to call him Ronnie. When he got back, he told us grandma had died. I told him in case the dream wasn't just a dream, what she said.

He said, "No one has called me Ronnie since I was a boy."

I have had other dreams with messages from people I don't know which felt like peaceful or enlightend beings/guides. They would point to a word in a huge book that I would have to look up when I woke because I wouldn't know what it meant. Usually they had significance to a particular situation I was in or would be one of many other words to come in later dreams.

Karen Elleise
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Posted By: tiamat4 Re: Dream Messages - 04/20/08 05:53 AM
What was interesting about the experience with my mother was that just hours later after I woke, I called my dad, to have a little chat, and he said almost the exact same thing that my mother said. So when he said it I just sort of smiled and nodded.

I find I get a lot of dreams that have dead relatives in it either communicating with me and other family members, just me, or none of the above (who just sort of hang out or observe). Its really interesting to me to watch the interplay between the living and the dead in dreams. I'm also no stranger to messages from people I don't know - In dreams I know these people but I also know that I've never seen them before. Its not easy to explain.
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 03:11 AM
You know how in "The Medium" she wakes up and either feels like she's not immediately familiar with her current surroundings or has glimpses/pieces of things she can't make sense of at the time but ends up happening fairly close in the future?

That's been happening quite a lot lately. Even down to minute but sig. phrases or something specific happening to one of the animals or story-line on the radio. Some I would never think of or think of happening, but they do.

Regardless, they've been happening in dreams. My fiance and I have been cross-dreaming too, lol. Meaning he or I will start to share a dream and we will have had the same dream or at least a significant highlight, like a brand of food or specific place complete with description, time of day, season, etc. like we were both there.

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Posted By: Lady J Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 03:24 AM
i hate waking dreams.... especially when they come true. I have had them off and on for about 20 years.
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 03:32 AM
Do you ever wonder, what the point is? Hmmmm, maybe it's just time intersecting us, and we just happen to be in the gridwork.

Clairvoyance Editor
Posted By: Lady J Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 03:40 AM
whats worse is prophetic dreams. I saw my mother die one week beofre she did. I saw my dad die years before his. Both of them died how I had dreamed.
Posted By: Lady J Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 03:40 AM
it all makes you wonder ;0)
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 05/08/08 05:59 PM
No kidding Jase!

I had a dream, that our houses were all made of some form of glass or plexi-structures. The houses were entirely eco-friendly meaning they turned dark or light depending on whether you wanted privacy or as a direct result of the time of day. Kind of how sunglasses work. crazy

The ground outside was ash or sand and there were water sources like lakes or oceans. There was some greenery outside, but it was patchy at best. Inside, though, there could be whatever you wanted. Some had gardens, while others were limited to plants on a table. Most of the furniture was white or metal. We didn't have phones - the houses just responded to whoever was trying to contact you.

Clairvoyance Editor
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Messages From the Other Side - 11/14/08 05:28 AM
Learning how to communicate with someone we love after they've passed isn't as intimidating as it may seem.

All it takes is patience, a little time for healing, reflective time for hearing and there you'll have an open line for communication.

If you've had an experience with a message from someone who has crossed over, we'd love to hear about it.

Here is the latest article.

"Messages From the Other Side"

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I found out quite by accident, you can also request communication from the other side for someone else. My husband's Father passed when he was 49 and my husband was only 9. My husband always assumed he would follow his Father with an early death. We were insured to the teeth and he made no plans for retirement. It's an understatement to say this was a bit hard on me. I'm a night owl and would stay up to watch John Edward, Crossing Over. Each time I watched the show and everytime I dusted the one photo we have, I would ask my husband's Father to have a "chat" with his son.

It took almost a year, and I guess my Father-in-Law on the other side got a bit perturbed at hearing someone with a distinct Southern accent yelling at him.

My husband was visited in a dream and his outlook completely changed. We still have insurance, but are reducing it, as all the children are grown. We have retirement monies and are enjoying being empty-nesters with many years ahead together. By the way, he'll be 50 in May and we've agreed he can be a "dirty ol' man" at age 72. I originally agreed on 65, but decided to push it back a bit.

Communication can truly be a life changing and affirming event.
I love working with people who want to communicate with friends and family that have crossed over. It's just like you say too and alot of it is trial and error.

I'd say the only thing that can be really frustrating is where one form of communication is so accurate and other's may not be. I have very little insight on why that is. I can have dreams, sounds or just periods where there are coincedences, one after another acting as clues or leading me somewhere and other's where I get one word or nothing at all.

When my grandmother passed, I was younger. No one told us she passed and I heard an audible voice gently calling my name. She told me to tell "Ronnie" she would miss him and to tell him that they will meet again. Grandma never used that name around us.

I couldn't sleep after that. It was around 3:30 or 4:00. I sat in bed for about an hour and went downstairs to tell my dad before he went off to work. I always feel she's around too. The wild thing is, I was always intimidated by here when I was a child, yet she visited me when she passed.


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Elleise, I too have been disappointed with communications, or lack thereof. I lost a friend to cancer over 2 years ago, and she visited others immediately. I have to admit to a bit of jealousy. However, I knew she was fine, so a visit to me was not necessary. It did come and was so endearing, and appreciated.

My mentor, boss and partner from Charleston passed in April this year. I hadn't seen her in several years and was not able to attend the funeral, as we had out of town guests coming for the pow-wow that weekend. I asked (more like stated to) my husband, "Where would she want me to be this weekend?" His immediately response, "at the Pow-wow," which I already knew. Feeling guilty, I needed that validation. I was hoping for a visit.

Instead, I had a very disturbing dream. I was in an area filled with spirit people and was calling her name loudly, repeatedly. There was no response, just blackness. I shared the dream with my husband. He didn't have a clue, but I think I now know. We were quite close and knew each other well. She simply wasn't there. She's off exploring, and pardon this pun, having the time of her (next) life. No reason to stop by, as I know she's alright.

I think timing has a lot to do with it. One must be open to receive the communication. With my husband, it either took a while for me to get through to his Father, or it took longer for my husband to be ready for the visit. I think this applies equally to direct communication with a loved one, or the use of someone else to ask and receive the message.

It's hard to be patient for a visit, but equally hard when they come too frequently and/or too early. We all need time to adjust to the physical loss, faith that our loved ones are just fine, and patience for that confirmation.
Good points icp, timing has a lot to do with communication. I look at it kind of like the sense we have when we organize running errands as well as individual needs.

Say everyday I could go to Walmart (like they can visit us), there is always that possibility, but there are days when my mind is elsewhere and I don't remember to or days when I know I want to, but there are better days than others to do it. Maybe it works the same way. I also feel they have our best interests at heart and after adjusting themselves, they peek in on us and see how we're doing. I think sometimes they recognize we need more time to heal to get our personal agendas in order and may not visit until we are stronger.

I also feel that the longer time passes the more emerged they are in the spirit world and further away from the Earth plane.

I'm also positive time transcends in meaning when you cross over too. I remember having a NDE when I was ill as a child. I remember, distinctly, the oddness of there not being an up, down, left or right when I got there. Directions had no meaning. It was sheer thought. There was absolutely no sense of time, no noon and you're hungry or evening and you're sleepy. So, with that in mind, if you are crossing over and adjust as you stay over, my feeling is that direction and time converts into feelings more like urgency, love, meaning and aligning them with the people they love and need to align with most, even if it is or was a relationship of conflict.


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Posted By: anamcara Re: Messages From the Other Side - 11/19/08 03:51 AM
Hi Elliese,

I tend to be one of those people that the other side finds by accident, I think. I certainly have never tried to speak to the other side, but somehow they know I am able to hear them, or I have been in the right place at the right time. I've had two waking experiences and I've had whole conversations in my dreams with my deceased paternal Grandmother and my mother's brother, who I was very close to between the age of 18 and 22, he passed away about six weeks after my youngest daughter was born 12 years ago. Prior to filing my divorce paper's both of them where in my dreams for almost 10 months, once I filed the papers, the dreams stopped.

I've had two "waking" discussions and they freaked me out a bit because the energy was incredibly strong, both were sudden deaths.

A friend of mine whose brother committed suicide drove past me one day, I got hit with her brother's energy which was incredible. He talked to me for almost an hour, I had to write down everything he wanted me to say to my friend as he was hanging around his sister but she could not hear him. All he really wanted to let her know was that he was extremely happy now. This conversation was incredibly clear, he would not go away until I wrote it all down and put it in an envelope. My friend is open, and we did talk about her brother, she had come to terms with his suicide. I never gave her the letter, the time never seemed right, but I did share some of what he told me during that conversation with her and she wasn't surprised.

The next time I was visited was on the morning of another friends' husbands funeral, he too died suddenly after a car accident. The morning of the funeral I got hit with his energy, it was strong and the conversation again was very clear, he told me what he wanted his wife to know. I shared this with her months later she always felt that her husband was with her, she always knew when he was around, though she could not hear him, she could sense him. We only shared this once with one another.

I can only say that both energies were different in how they felt to me, one was a bit hyper the other one was just insistant, mature, but insistent, the other one was almost child like, frenetic. I will never forget watching my friend drive past me, thinking "there goes so and so" and then two seconds later getting knocked over by her bother's spirit, that was the first time something like that ever happened to me. Same thing with my friends husband, I was getting ready to go to the funeral mass and I got hit with her husbands energy big time.

I don't think I would be surprised if I someone from the other side wanted to speak to me, I would just like to know how to keep the eneryg at bay or how to not allow it to knock me over.

Posted By: Julie Anne Re: Dream Messages - 11/19/08 03:31 PM
I too have had dreams of my husband who passed a few years ago, but lately, it seems to be a contiunous dream of the same thing.

I dream that we will be together, then all of the sudden, hes gone and Im' still looking for him.

what does that mean? Is that a message. The dream doesnt feel real like visitation dreams, but its getting lately to be the same dream over and over but in different locations? Am I traveling with him in my sleep?

Originally Posted By: lcp012586
Elleise, I too have been disappointed with communications, or lack thereof. I lost a friend to cancer over 2 years ago, and she visited others immediately. I have to admit to a bit of jealousy. However, I knew she was fine, so a visit to me was not necessary. It did come and was so endearing, and appreciated.

My mentor, boss and partner from Charleston passed in April this year. I hadn't seen her in several years and was not able to attend the funeral, as we had out of town guests coming for the pow-wow that weekend. I asked (more like stated to) my husband, "Where would she want me to be this weekend?" His immediately response, "at the Pow-wow," which I already knew. Feeling guilty, I needed that validation. I was hoping for a visit.

Instead, I had a very disturbing dream. I was in an area filled with spirit people and was calling her name loudly, repeatedly. There was no response, just blackness. I shared the dream with my husband. He didn't have a clue, but I think I now know. We were quite close and knew each other well. She simply wasn't there. She's off exploring, and pardon this pun, having the time of her (next) life. No reason to stop by, as I know she's alright.

I think timing has a lot to do with it. One must be open to receive the communication. With my husband, it either took a while for me to get through to his Father, or it took longer for my husband to be ready for the visit. I think this applies equally to direct communication with a loved one, or the use of someone else to ask and receive the message.

It's hard to be patient for a visit, but equally hard when they come too frequently and/or too early. We all need time to adjust to the physical loss, faith that our loved ones are just fine, and patience for that confirmation.

This reminded me of a post Julie Anne made in regards to looking for her husband who has passed.

It's sooooo true too that there is a difference between visitation dreams and just the psychological aspects of stress that works it's way through healing during the dream stage, which when you think about it is ALL emotion. You're pretty much feeling the entire time or oblivious and litterally just resting.

In your case Julie, this particular dream, I would say it has more to do with missing your husband or having unanswered questions that are expressing themselves symbolically. You mentioned this has not felt like a visitation dream, so I take it you've had those?

If you are having the same dream over and over, I can tell you there is something you are needing or wanting to do that hasn't been done quite yet. It could even be expressing anger about being or feeling left by the person who crossed over. Anger especially can be hard to express because we resist anger in respect of feeling it is negative and don't want to display negativety when we are mourning the loss of someone we love.

There is a reason we have the saying, "angry love" or "hard love" and to be honest, I don't know anyone who has felt love that hasn't experienced some of the more painful aspects of it. Grieving would fit into some of the more painful levels of love.

In regards to wondering wether or not you travel in your sleep, absolutely! I've had dreams where I actually end up in places I'm unfamiliar with or feel lost. Those dreams have sound - a vibration, to them. You may be searching a plane where your husband isn't, kind of like getting lost in a big city.

I'll have to go back and think about it. I have so many thoughts on this topic. Anyone else?


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Posted By: Julie Anne Re: Dream Messages - 11/28/08 09:58 PM
I have a question. Hope someone can help me with this one.

After the death of my husband in 2005, I had a dream of his brother whom I've never met and committed suicide two weeks before I had a dream of my husband. He was holding my hand and smiling. Honestly, I wasnt even thinking about him. Like i said, I've never met him.

What do you suppose that could me? Maybe his brother came to bring comfort to me? His brother and husband were close in some way.

Hope someone can explain this one.

Thank you,

Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 11/29/08 05:01 PM
Hi there,

It could be the brother presented himself through the openness/channels you had due to the passing of your husband and vice versa or possibly the brother wanted to make amends with his choice in taking his own life by helping to bring back something in love. It could also be just a dream.

How did the person in your dream tell you it was your your husband's brother? Did he say anything or bare a resemblance in a picture?


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Posted By: Julie Anne Re: Dream Messages - 11/29/08 05:46 PM
I knew it was his brother because I have seen his pictures before. My husband and I did geneaology together, so he showed me pictures of his family. I've never met them before, but the dream did feel real.

It was a resemblance in the picture I saw in the dream. He was smiling at me and holding my hand. I swear, I've never met him nor was thinking about him. The dream came out of nowhere. His brother died in 1995. My husband and I met in 2004.

Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 11/29/08 10:54 PM
As a rule of thumb, usually when someone who has crossed over makes an appearance in a dream, I don't discount that, especially if there are words or a specific action of love or kindness. Where there are dreams of a bunch of faces, natorious, peers, cartoon-like ramblings, I am more apt to discard those.

Visitations usually entail something where there is strong emotion or smells, etc. I've even heard some people mention they feel an indentation in the bed or pillow next to them. It may or may not still feel warm and often times there are scents involved.

I had a dream the other night where a smell was so strong, I thought someone was in the kitchen cooking. I thought it might have been my husband's mom getting a jump on Thanksgiving so I went to back to sleep. The second time I woke up I thought I'd better get up because it still smelled ever so strong. I even thought I might have inadvertantly left the stove on - thus became paranoid. I got up, went to the kitchen and I smelled nothing. Just old house. This smell was about as strong as the cigarette smells that have been around lately. We don't smoke confused


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Posted By: whoisjohngalt Re: Dream Messages - 12/06/08 03:10 AM
I posted this in the dreams forum. I just wondered if anyone else had any thoughts. Thanks

Hello All,

I had a dream last night that bothered me a lot and I would love an interpretation.

I was in a busy intersection near a mall. I was making a left hand turn and in the other left turn lane was a semi. i could see into the little window at the bottom of the door and into the passanger seat. I could see a woman on her back with her head facing the dash. Her clothe's were fluttering as if she were under water. It looked like the cab was fludded. I made the left turn and looked into the regular window of the truck and saw no water in the cab. There was moisture on the glass and the truck driver was by himself. I can't describe what he looks like because when I try to isolate characteristics about him (beard, mustache, hair color) it jumps away from me. Like something on the tip of my brain.

In my dream, I then awoke and was going to tell my wife, but it wasn't her. It was a blond woman with a big grin and eyebrows that were obviously not real and looked cartoonish. I jumped back and was in the doorway to the bedroom and was yelling that she was not my wife. Six numbers came to me and in my dream, I wrote them down on my hand. I think they were a room number.

The last part and the part that bothers me the most, I was in a mansion in the main lobby. I was looking at a man on a balcony that encircled and overlooked the lobby. He was strangling a brunette woman who I think was the woman in the cab of the truck. He saw me and a black goo and a black tongue shot out towards me and he screamed. I then was looking down at them from above and he looked left then right and then straight up at me and screamed again. I moved again to the side and he screamed one more time and then I woke up. The scream was like something from "Body Snatchers."

I got the impression that this took place in either Hollywood or Nashville (I don't know why I think that.) I also checked my hand and was expecting the numbers to be written there, but it was not.

So- thanks for reading and if anyone has any insight, I am open to it. This dream bothered me like you wouldn't believe and I wrote it down immediatley so I wouldn't forget it. I also checked for a missing persons in California and Tennessee and gave up when I realized how many there were .

Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 12/07/08 12:01 AM
Hi John -

I don't get anything specifically on this. Maybe someone else might or I will try back later. I'm just not there tonight, lol. I will go back and read it again though.

You might want to start writing them down and paying attention to headlines, etc. You may begin noticing some correlations.

I'd start by making notes in a journal or notebook...whatever you have that you can go back to and leave it by the bed. You'd be suprised how many times you think you'll remember something and want to write it down and then fall back asleep, wake up and not remember.

I keep a soft light next to the bed too so it won't be as painful doing the deed, paper and pen and they never leave.

If I get sick of writing my dreams, it still stays there or in the drawer underneath... Especially when I get annoying dreams - I figure the notebook in the drawer signifies I'm on break nothing too stressful smile.


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Posted By: anamcara Re: Dream Messages - 12/28/08 01:36 PM
Hi Elleise and Everyone,

I seem to have this pattern of dreaming when either my stress level rises or I have to make a decision. Actually, I think my stress rises when I have to make a decision that is not going to go over well with other people, even though it is the "right" decision to make, does that make sense?

I seem to dream of the negative consequences of the decision instead of the positive consequences, which makes me think that I am still so very concerned with what other people think of me, and I have no idea where this comes from OR that I tend to block my self for some reason.

The last two nights I've had nightmare's one having to do with my fiance and the other having to do with a baby.

I can't understand why I would block my self from moving forward!

Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: Dream Messages - 12/28/08 08:17 PM
Hi Anna, how were holidays?

I have come to deduce, lol, that dreams have personalities similar to our own. We have the analytical/organizing dream, the symbolic dreams where they "imply" something, the intuitive dreams and the ranting/garbage dreams. Regardless, they are here to help.

Can you remember any of the details of the two dreams? There will probably be a good chunk of answers in there somewhere.

I had a dream when I divorced my ex husband after I moved away from the town he lived in. After his temper calmed, I wanted to move back and buy a house closer to where he lived for our daughter's sake. She didn't have to know the details, etc.

The dream had only one characteristic. It was an echoey-booming voice that said one sentance and then I bolted awake out of breath.

The dream said blatantly, "The move won't help your situation any." I should have listened. The custody battled happend 6 months after I moved and my ex used the fact that I moved away in the first place to present it to the courts I was keeping him away from his daughter. When I showed proof of my residence, they then took the physical aspect out and started going another direction, emotionally. The time I was away he was building bridges.

I remember at the time, my mind set was an avid, let bygones be bygones and would be able to all spend cordial time together having picnics or whatever because we were all close enough to do that and basically play down the divorce. Didn't work out that way...he never changed or was able to.

The point is, the dream had nothing to do with my frame of mind. It was a neutral voice that had a great deal of insight. But rather than do what I tell everyone else to do in classes and such, I simply chalked it up to a dream. I wanted everything to turn out for the best...Bad Elliese, very very bad!!!


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Posted By: anamcara Re: Dream Messages - 12/30/08 11:32 AM
Hello Elleise,

Thank you for sharing your dream message with me when you divorced and the message you received about moving back to the area so that your daughter could be close to both you and your ex. I stayed in the same town for the same reason's you chose to, though I never recieved a message to moving back would be detrimental. However, I've come to learn this only works when the divorce was amicable, not when there is some form of abuse involved.

My ex also believed I "took his children away" when I divorced him and has done all he can to make me pay in some form or another, be it financial or emotional.

That being said, I decided to file a demand for hearing so that I can get the child support put back on wage attachment. I also filed for an increase since my alimony is ending in February. Whenever I have to make a decision to fight my ex in court I end up having nightmares!

The dream with my fiance was that we were at my parents house, he was chasing (trying to arrest) several men, they were running away, he chased after a few. A man threw a rock through my parents big window in the front of the house, I standing in the door way on the porch as the window shattered. Another man came up to me and said something, which I cannot remember now, but it was nasty as if I'd never get away with whatever it was I was about to do.

The next dream was about a baby, I put the baby down for a nap but put it in the freezer, I took the baby out, it had frost all over it, it had a red tone to its skin, but also was looking at me with a sad face. I remember thinking, I was supposed to put it in the refrigerator instead! When I took the baby out of the freezer I swaddled it in blankets to warm it up.

That's all I remember about the dreams. I know I woke up in the middle of the night with the dream that my fiance was in, very upset and woke him up too, it took me awhile to get back to sleep that night.

The dream about the baby I remembered after I awoke the next day.

Often I have dreams where I am fighting off people, like my ex or his mother (she's been instrumental in providing my ex with his monetary ability to continue the court battles, in other words she pays his lawyer's fees) and has lied for him.

While I understand he's her only child, that doesn't excuse her from doing the right thing.

Perhaps my fears surface more often in my dreams than they do in my waking hours.

I have no idea if either of those dreams have any message's, I do know that dreams are often individualized, in other words, symbol's that are present are for the person themselves, not necessarily broad interpretations that anyone can use.


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