Just to let you know that I've just celebrated my 10 year anniversary of writing meditation articles for BellaOnline - 666 and counting. I did an online search on Google and couldn't find anyone who has written more meditation articles. That achievement is very satisfying to me. smile

Congratulations Susan. It is amazing that your content is so fresh and new feeling after all of that time. I guess that it goes to show that if you write about something that you love, everything feels new.

You are an inspiration for me.
Congratulations Susan ~~~!!! queen tut viking irish
Dear Connie and Burt, thank you! I do enjoy meditation - it's been my lifesaver over and over!
May I suggest kind Susan, moving forward that you write the difference between life / work balance in Europe and America !

-- Burt B.
Congratulations, Susan! You are an inspiration to me, too.

I just wanted to tell you that your poems, prayers, and meditations are so beautiful and truly touching.

Wishing you continued success.
Dear Sandra, thank you for your appreciation - I do love writing for the meditation site ... smile
Burt, we have an expression in The Netherlands - we work to live and not live to work. The standard work week is 36 hours instead of 40. Many people work 4 nine hour days and take 3 day weekends.
Wow !

Sure wish I the guts to go and live there !

smile !!
Didn't want to take the topic away from you achievement !! Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo ! easter
Burt, I should mention, having lived on both sides of the pond, that the Dutch are not as materialistic as Americans - not everyone owns a car, they use public transportation as we do, no designer jeans or shoes, no fast food dinners in our village. Kids spend time on biking and sports or music lessons, adults bike and walk for exercise and watch the news on tv and read - yes, read. The public school walks each class to the public library once a week.
Balance, poise, regular exercise and regular hours... Wonderful ! smile !!

That's Beautiful.
Congrats Susan!!

The work you described the hrs. That's the schedule my husband has. He used to have a 3 day workweek of 12 hrs. w/4 days off.

Those days, one of which was used to recoop/meditate/nature. The others school and fun smile
Congratulations! cool!
Thanks Elleise and Nancy! I'm a goal-oriented person so this was something I looked forward to ... smile
Congratulations, Susan! What an achievement. I really enjoy your articles and I am very glad you are here smile
Congratulations, Susan! That is really something to be proud of!
Hi Debbie and Barbara, thank you for your appreciations - I'm glad to be able to share meditation at BellaOnline. Thank you for posting.
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