Did you know that there is an urban legend going around that the famous Gerber Baby drawing was said to be the likeness of Humphrey Bogart?

Bogart's mother was a commercial artist and drew her son Humphrey as a baby for a different brand, called Mellin's Baby Food years before Gerber was even founded. When Gerber was founded in 1928, Bogart was 30 years old.

My father told me that same story about the Gerber baby back when I was a kid so it has been floating around for years.

Just like the old firecamp story about the escaped prisoner with the hook hand and the teenager's making out in their car and hearing about the breakout and during the broadcast, they were spooked so they drove out of the woods only to return home and find a bloody hook hanging from the car door lol.
I love the story about the hook. I never knew about the urban legend regarding the Gerber baby and Bogart. I was doing a search for the site and came across it. I guess it is true, you do learn something new everyday. smile
The way the story was told to me by my father was that it was drawn by his mother.
Apparently thats what a lot of people thought. She did draw his image but it was for a different baby food company. Bogart was an adult by the time Gerber was founded.
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