
Here is my first article! Mindfulness practices can be beneficial to positive behaviour and understanding yourself. I have written an article that offers some tips and ideas about how to bring mindfulness into your life.

Mindfulness To Help Change Thought Patterns

Hope it helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

Thanks, Tracy
Nice article! I have struggled with the awful habit of accusing the universe of letting "Life" do this or do that to me. Yet, never really trying to take control of the thoughts I am not only sending myself, but to the universe as well. I wish that I had learned MANY years ago how to change my direction of thinking. Now I'm learning, I fail, I fall, I stand up, and I try again. I often win.
Hi Michelle,

Thank you for your comments. It is so easy to get caught in that blaming the universe way of thinking. I think that the spiritual path has set a lot of us up to feel like we failed. We are promised all the good things in life when we believe and trust the universe and when we look at our life and those things are not apparent we feel like we failed. I know so many people who have fallen into this trap and who feel depressed and worthless. Taking each day and each moment as it comes, being grateful for what we do have and being in the present is the best way to gauge how our life is and how good you feel about it and yourself. Life is ups and downs and will never be constant so its more about enjoying the steps and the journey than always trying to reach a place where we've 'made it". Its great that you are trying - falling and standing up again - its all we can do. I hope you have some supportive friends and family around you to keep you on track.
Hi Tracy, I really enjoyed your article.

I do believe believe we live in a loving and supportive universe, and still find myself shouting "WTH??" when things don't go my way LOL!!

It's very helpful to center, breathe, and bring myself back from that, just because it feels awful to be freaking out.

And I love the power of gratitude.
Hi Deanna,

Glad you liked the article smile You made me laugh shouting at the universe - we all do it! Yes gratitude is so important. It's amazing how where you put your thoughts and attention really changes the experiences you have smile
OMGosh, yes, right? laugh

Yesterday my daughter and I were talking about perception. We've been reading the book "Illusion" by Richard Bach together, and the author mentions how this life is an illusion. So, we talked about perceptions, and how we could both go to, say, the same event, but have a different experience. It's perception. Or, that we could have a bad experience, but later something to be grateful for. Illusion because we can change our perceptions about our experiences.

Life is so fluid laugh
Hi Deanne,

I love that book! Illusions is one of my favourites smile Life is so subjective and we are just making it up according to our beliefs, experiences and confirmation biases. How can we ever know what 'reality' is? We can only know our version not THE version - if there is one...
I know, right smile

Back into 2007 I got into this thing called Complaint Free Living because life is really all about shifting our perspective, but we have to do it through making choices. We have to shift our perspective to be free to live the greatest version of life. It's a choice.

Choice is a super power HA HA!!! It's shifts our perspective.

We may as well just choose to see a friendly Universe smile
Hiya smile Gonna check out the complaint free living link - thanks for that!

It is amazing how life shows up according to your expectations of it - it's as if we can only see what we have programmed ourselves to receive and can't let in an alternative. Even when 'good' things are happening we can't see them because we are expecting 'bad' things so we only see the 'bad' things to re-inforce our belief.
OMGosh Tracy, I had so much fun doing the complaint free program - I now do it a couple of times a year.

The goal is to go 21 days without complaining. You wear a purple bracelet on your wrist to remind you. If you complain, switch bracelet to the other wrist, and start over smile My first time, it took me like 8 months, or something crazy long!!! The last time I did it in 21 days! I was gobsmacked!!!

I've decided to start that again because I have two elderly relatives I have to manage care for. One of them can be very mean and self-centered. I found myself yesterday, after a bout of her nastiness, feeling very sorry for myself, and complaining!! OY the complaining! Suddenly everything felt so off!!!

It's an awful feeling to think the world is out to crush you. And it's really not my belief - I do believe in a friendly Universe, and normally that's my experience. Complaint free helps me a lot when things are tough.
This sounds ultra-cool. I need this. I really need this. I am constantly waiting for the world to trip me up at times. You guys all share the most amazing things!
Thank you!
Wow Deanne sounds great. What a good reminder. 8 months - its amazing how our natural way is to find fault and complain about things. I love how it brings your awareness to that smile `The more we know and understand how we work the more chance we have of living more peacefully and at ease with ourselves.

Thanks for sharing smile
Hi Michelle, glad you like this smile I love to share experiences and hear of other peoples.

Thanks for joining in smile
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