Posted By: Faerie Lenore Biting problem... - 08/27/09 11:39 PM
Okay, I'm really at a loss as to what to do here. I have a 3 1/2 yr old son named Tyler, and my BF of just over a year has a 2 1/2 yr old son named Hunter. We've lived together since September of last year in a two bedroom apartment; consequently, the boys share a bedroom. Hunter is a wonderful child, and my BF has full custody. Hunter's mommy is unfortunately addicted to pain pills, and she hasn't been to see him since October of last year. Hunter started calling me mommy shortly after. He and Tyler get along well, but Hunter has a VERY bad temper. Lately, his venting of choice has been biting... more specifically, biting Tyler. I have tried everything I know to break him of this, and nothing has worked. Initially, Tyler wouldn't do anything in response because he doesn't want to hurt Hunter. Lately, Tyler grabs him by the hair to pull him off, but his arms and legs are still covered in bruises and teeth marks. I'm in the middle of a divorce, and Tyler has to go spend every other weekend with his father, who isn't a very nice person to deal with. Permanent custody won't be decided until the final hearing scheduled in October, and I fear that if I keep sending my son there covered in bite marks, they'll take him from me. Hunter doesn't talk much yet, but he understands that it's wrong. From the moment I see the marks on Tyler, Hunter runs and hides. Currently, I'm using time-outs because Hunter hates nothing more than having to sit. In the past, I've tried spanking, washing his mouth out with soap, and in an act of desperation I've even bit him back (mind you, I have NEVER left a mark on him, I was simply trying to make him understand that it hurts and it's not nice). I love Hunter like I love my own son, and I consider him mine as well, but I don't know what else to do to get through to him that biting is not acceptable behavior. I never had these problems with Tyler, and I feel like I'm not being a good enough mother to Hunter because I can't seem to properly deal with this. Any advice or suggestions that anyone could give me would be most helpful, as I've run out of civilized options. Would covering his mouth with duct tape be considered abuse? I've considered it...J/K. But I'm sure any parent who has ever dealt with this kind of sibling rivalry will understand my desperation. HELP PLEASE!!!
Posted By: Helen Doll Making Editor Re: Biting problem... - 08/28/09 12:22 AM
Some children learn their lesson with a little hot sauce on the tongue. Mind you, I say a LITTLE. A little dab on your finger, placed on their tongue. It doesn't always work, but it's worth a try.
Posted By: Faerie Lenore Re: Biting problem... - 08/28/09 01:44 AM
That's a fabulous idea! I'll be giving that a try when he comes home from his granny's. Don't know how I never thought of that... I'll let you know if it helps. Thank you so much!
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