If you've ever thought of writing a book, it may help you to read, and then read more. This article will tell you WHY reading is important to your own writing, and WHAT you can read.

You Need to Read If You Want to Write
Oh excellent article Chel!!!

I stopped reading a lot in my genre because I'd had a couple of ideas, and found other authors using them! It was so frustrating!

Of course, my ideas wire inspired by stories from Celtic folklore - and ANYONE could have read those and been inspired too. But still - I was so frustrated!!

I also noticed just recently that JK Rowling has an interesting writing style - even though it's in third person, everything is still from Harry's point of view. If he didn't witness it, or was told about it by another character, it wasn't in the book!

So I did learn something new by reading a book smile
Deanna - Thank you for the compliment!
I agree, I love Rowling's style as well.
Third person is a nut to crack for me as far as writing.
I love writing in first person!
I have added WORK ON THAT NOVEL! on my To Do list.
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