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I find that I go searching for spiritual and metaphysical quotes on almost a daily basis. Sometimes I use them in articles, and sometimes they are the inspiration for things that I write.

Feel free to share some of your favorite new age quotes here too smile

Also, share why you like it, or how it moves you, if you want laugh

Last edited by Deanna - New Age; 09/21/15 05:39 AM.

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“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

This is one of my all time favorite quotes. I first heard a version of this quote about 20 years ago, and it has stuck with me ever since!!

You are not a body - you are a soul. The body is the vehicle to have this human experience.

We often forget that in our day to day routines.

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I shared
my secret
with a tree
to find
it never
thinks of me.

~Michelle A. Cope

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Sweet smile

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"Life is the dancer, and you are the dance." ~ Eckhart Tolle

At the end of the day, what will we have danced? Did we try new things, experience our friendships, laugh, love, cry? Or did we spend hours pouring our energy into things that didn't matter?

It's our dance. It's our choice.

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"The world is changed by examples, not by opinions." - Paulo Coelho

We learn so much better by example. We just do. Remember when our parents would say "do as I say, not as I do." LOL!! Yeah, right!

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Magic is not something you do. Magic is something you are. ~ Unknown

I love this quote because it's a great reminder that what we are looking for is not "out there." It's within us. We are the magic smile

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“Unconditional love is learning to be the source of love rather than waiting for others to be the source.” ~ Sanaya Roman

Sometimes it's hard to be the first to love - the first to be open-hearted. It may feel like that makes us vulnerable. But it actually empowers us. When we are open-hearted, we are directly flowing the energy of the cosmos through us! So we can love, and it doesn't matter how anyone else reacts. We are just being what we were created to be - what we are - LOVE.

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I love that. It's so true about being vulnerable and how it makes us more loving and more beautiful. The one thing we try to avoid being is vulnerable so we miss the opportunities it could have brought us and deny other people a true experience of 'us'

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I'm so glad Tracy - I love that too laugh

Being vulnerable opens the way for so many wonderful things.

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"It is not what we choose that matters; our power to influence an outcome lies in our reasons for making a certain choice." ~ Caroline Myss

Are we making a decision based on fear or trust? If we cannot trust that we have within us the power to handle any mistake, we'll make choices based on fear, and always be searching for something outside of ourselves to make things right.

There will never be a "perfect choice." But we'll always have an inner sufficiency that allows us to remedy any mistake, and move forward from where we are.

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I have done both. Trust works much better. Often, for me, it's simply been about trusting myself. Those fear decisions have bitten me way too many times!

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Often when I've felt unloved, it has been because I was unloveable. I was trying to be, I just didn't like myself at the time. Myself and I are now friends this season!

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Omgosh Chel, those fear decisions have bitten me way too often too! I know when I've chosen from fear it comes from my believing I am limited - there is no universe working through me, and the universe is not a friendly place - I then feel desperate, and choose based on this belief. And then it doesn't work out so well.

Over the years it's gotten easier to trust that I am an infinite being in a body - I practice it more, so I feel it more. My choices are easier then. Life just feels gentler.

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"As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher

This seems to be the affect of choosing to come from LOVE first.

Choosing instead to blame others, or judge others, only creates more darkness in US!! Choose LOVE, choose COMPASSION, and then we are able to carry as much Light as possible while we're in a body smile

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"Forgiveness is a mystical act, not a reasonable one." ~ Caroline Myss

I used to believe that forgiveness meant "condoning" a harmful act. But forgiveness is the act that frees us (not them). Forgiveness does NOT mean what they did was okay (not in any way).

Forgiveness frees us because as long as we hold a grudge or resentment, or blame another person for the terrible thing they did to us, we can never experience our own light.

And it feels terrible to not experience our Light.

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I think the hardest thing to do is to forgive one's self.

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I think forgiveness all around can just be hard, right?

One of the books I've enjoyed reading in the past is A Course in Miracles. At the highest vibration of Love and Compassion, it's said that forgiveness is not even necessary, because at that level, we are so in-tune with being a Divine Being in a body, we'll find it very easy to separate the behavior of a limited mind (in a body) from the Soul itself.

It's like we know we are all just here for the experience - we are not the body (and it's behaviors), we are the Soul enjoying the experience.

I think it would be amazing to be at that level of consciousness wink

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“Conflict cannot survive without your participation.” ― Wayne W. Dyer

I know it can be easy to place blame on others for our difficulties, and point fingers. But that keeps us seriously stuck!! Who wants to be stuck?? Well, I guess some people do, because it means they don't have to take responsibility LOL!! But OMG that is just so painful.

This has really been a powerful lesson I've been learning as of late, with an aunt who has alzheimer's type dementia. She can be very angry, and lash out. I used to argue with her, trying to get her to see reason - and that just made things worse. Now I just tell her I'm sorry if she's having a hard time (which usually helps her to feel heard, and start relaxing), and it feels so much better not to have to have conflict with her.

It's always our choice - it's up to us - we choose!

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"Our lives are governed by the truth, whether we believe it or not. However, our experience of life is governed by our beliefs, whether they are true or not." ~ Unknown

Our beliefs make a difference; what we BELIEVE makes a difference. Our beliefs make us either happy or unhappy. The crazy thing is, our belief doesn't even have to be true!

If we believe in a friendly universe, that's more likely to be our experience. If we believe people are basically mean, and out for their own personal gain at the expense of others, THAT is likely to be our experience.

So, what we believe does make a difference. And it doesn't matter what we believe, as long as what we believe makes us happy, helps us walk in truth and love, and helps us to be loving to ourselves and others.

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“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”― Jack Canfield

We get attached to the life with which we're comfortable, and don't dare risk what we have for something that would be worthwhile, but we feel we can't achieve it.

I don't know that "who dares, wins" is necessarily right, but I guess if you don't dare, you definitely won't succeed.

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I love that quote Mona.

I also think that the more we dare, even if it doesn't work out, we just make another choice - we end up moving forward and having adventures even if things don't work out 100 percent laugh

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Fear - what a horrible foe. Something I fight with everyday. Fear seems to lurk around when I'm being creative, and whispers such lies. I often want to punch it in the nose!

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Is it okay to state our beliefs for positivity and happiness out loud to the Universe?

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Chel, you know, I've learned to use my fear as a measurement of adventure. Usually, I only have it if I'm on the right track, and really getting to use my creative forces.

Fear doesn't try to stop us from doing something that doesn't matter wink It wants to keep us in the comfort zone.

So if you're feeling that fear, you are very likely on the right track LOL!

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I am still on track, and it feels good to know I may be ticking off fear!

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Originally Posted By Michelle - Teen
Is it okay to state our beliefs for positivity and happiness out loud to the Universe?

It's even better than okay laugh When we set an intention, dormant forces rush to meet us smile Life (The Universe) love activity, so responds to our intentions.

So ya, state it loud, state it proud smile

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"It is not what we choose that matters; our power to influence an outcome lies in our reasons for making a certain choice." ~ Caroline Myss

Are we making a decision based on fear or trust? If we cannot trust that we have within us the power to handle any mistake, we'll make choices based on fear; choices we "think" give us a guarantee of a safe outcome.

There will never be a "perfect choice." But we'll always have an inner sufficiency that allows us to remedy any mistake, and move forward from where we are. xoxoxo Deanna

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“Becoming conscious of your self, aware of who you are and what you can and cannot do, is one of the important tasks of spiritual maturity and the hero’s journey.” ~ Caroline Myss – Invisible Acts of Power

How often are we really aware of who we are? How often do we say "I'm an unlimited being in a body," no matter what we're facing?

The task of honoring ourselves is often the most difficult task we'll face on our hero's journey. To love the package that we call "ME" makes other seemingly difficult tasks seem easy! XOXOXO Deanna

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"Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world." ~ ACIM

Good Morning smile

The world really is such a beautiful place - but we have to be the ones to make the choice to see that beauty.

Have a beautiful day XOXOXO

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“A committed spiritual practice illuminates and clarifies our purpose on the planet.” ~ Michael Bernard Beckwith

A truly committed spiritual practice is one that brings peace, joy, and feelings of gratitude and enthusiasm.

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"Great hearts send forth steadily the secret forces that incessantly draw great events, and wherever the mind of man goes, nature will accompany him, no matter what the path." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I always love Ralph Waldo Emerson. And I really love this quote because it's saying (for me anyway wink ) that when we put our focus on manifesting something that we love, there are tremendous forces (of nature) that are activated and to come to our aid.

We are created to create, and we create all the time. We just aren't always paying attention to our creations.

A 'great heart' is the heart focused on divinity as everywhere present, and the possibilities that are born from that awareness.

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What an awesome quote, Deanna! Thank you. I want a great heart!

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Chel, you have a GREAT heart! Definitely! For sure! Absolutely laugh

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Thank you, Deanna, as do you!
Great Hearts find each other.
I'm sure of it!!!!

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I love that quote smile

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"Real magic is the art of bringing gifts from another world into this world." ~ Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles

And we bring those gifts through a door that is always open to us smile

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"Every skill, every talent, every capacity, and every ability of the mind are really the Soul-action made visibly tangible." ~ Joel S. Goldsmith, The Infinite Way

Today's quote is brought to you by Tracy, our Mental Health site writer and forum moderator smile She inspired me to read this book!

And I love this quote because we do come in to this life with a specific set of strengths! But so often, people struggle with the idea that they could do something (that they really want to do).

I've seen this in my own client-base; they feel that their belief they could do something is just wishful thinking.

It's not! If you have the passion to do something, and it allows you to express your divinity while you're in a body, then it's your calling smile You should probably give that idea some attention!

Live your purpose, express your calling laugh

Last edited by Deanna - New Age; 11/01/15 06:09 AM.

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Love that! Glad you've been inspired to read it smile This is also amazing

The Power Of Awareness

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Tracy, thank you for posting that link!! I read that book a few years ago and was SOOOOO moved by it!! Wayne Dyer mentioned it in one of his books when I was in a book club, and we all immediately had to read that one too LOL!!!

So, you've just inspired my quote for today smile

“An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.”
― Neville Goddard

We create that which we desire by taking actions that support its creation. But we also need to sacrifice those behaviors which keep us from creating it!

Right now my focus is on writing a novel during NaNoWriMo, and to do that, I've had to change my routine (sacrifice) so that I'm devoting a specific amount of time to writing that novel, rather than popping on Facebook first thing, or going on to Netflix before my daily goal of 1,500 words.

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I love his work it is so perfect :)thanks for the quote - a great reminder

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"Find out who you are, and do it on purpose." ~ Dolly Parton

As an Infinite Being in a body, you were created to be a creator - so Create. On purpose. smile

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“When you feel peaceful and successful, you want to extend and export that peace and love. The violence, hatred, prejudice, and judgment in our world suggests that we have miles to go to reach a world of inner and outer peace.” ~ Wayne Dyer

We can't give what we don't think we have. To share love and compassion means we need to have that within us - and to have it, we just have to practice it - and be willing to practice it more than we practice hate and judgment!

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"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~ Thornton Wilder

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" The best political, social and spiritual work we can do, is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others. " -- Carl Jung

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Love that Mona. Thanks for sharing smile

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With the reactions to what's going on in the international news, it struck a chord.

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Mona, as I sit here with coffee, watching the morning news, your shared quote does indeed strike a chord. Thank you.

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Mona, I love that quote too. Thanks for sharing it.

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"A change of feeling is a change of destiny." ~ Neville Goddard

Our feelings affect our subconscious mind more than technical knowledge. We may know, intellectually, that we are capable of doing a specific task, but if we FEEL that we are not good enough, the feeling will always win out over intellect - even if the feeling is wrong. The challenge then is to learn to "feel" we are enough, just the way we are. xoxoxo Deanna

Last edited by Deanna - New Age; 11/21/15 07:02 AM.

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Back to Rumi - hard to avoid. (Not that I want to.)

"Love is the bridge between you and everything."

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Mona, I quite agree smile

My personal fave:

"What you seek is seeking you." ~ Rumi

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"The emotions that drain you are the emotions that come from fear; the emotions that give you more energy are the emotions that come from love." ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

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Thank you, Deanna!
Today is a good day, although, I am a bit frightened to go to the basement and look at the laundry! smile

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Ya Chel, my laundry monster is getting a little out of hand too LOL!!

And it's a good day for me too!

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"In the end only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you."

This is thought-provoking. (But despite it's being listed as said by Buddha, apparently it was not.)

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Thank you, Mona!

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Mona, this is a beautiful quote. And I've found that Buddha did NOT say a lot of the things he's quoted as saying LOL!! I guess people feel it will carry more weight and authority if attributed to a famous spiritual figure.

But truth is truth, and I think it does its own magic.

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"The world is changed by examples, not by opinions." - Paulo Coelho

I may have shared this before, but I think it's a really powerful statement.

Our actions always speak louder than words.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I saw a lot on social media about the refugees, and the homeless, and people had really strong opinions. I mean like REALLY strong! Right?

But I had this one friend who prepped a Thanksgiving dinner, and took it to a family in need. What a beautiful act that was. She never expressed any opinions - she just went out and did it. WOW!!

That was powerful.

Deanna Joseph

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"Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you." ~ Mother Teresa

Sometimes it's hard to know where to start, especially when it seems there are just so many things that need fixing. We may end up spending too much time thinking about what 'needs' to change, and talking about what should be changed without ever actually taking any action. This makes it simple. We just start with those around us.

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"Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy; who gives himself by thought or word or deed in every gift that he bestows." ~ Edwin Osgood Grover

Be a Santa smile

Deanna Joseph

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"When people do things that are not loving, it means they have lost contact with their true nature." ~ Marianne Williamson

This is a very powerful statement, because so often when people do hurtful things we only focus on how they have hurt ourselves, or others, and not on the fact that they too must be hurting to have even caused harm to another.

The person who has done the most horrible thing is lost, and has no idea or awareness of their own divinity.

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"So, let me get this straight. There are 20+ people on this camp. They knew there was going to be a midnight ritual, and only you, me, and my girlfriend brought torches?!"

Me talking to the leader of a Pagan camp when my now wife went on her first Pagan night ritual. smile

Ian - Pagan Editor

"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves."

"With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world. "

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Light comes, not from above, but from within. ~ Brian Froud

I love this quote so much, because so often people forget that they are a divine being in a body. We were not created to be separate from our Source - we ARE Source - we ARE that light.

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And, how often I forget this

Light comes, not from above, but from within.

Where within? Me within.

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Ya Chel, I forget that too smile

Deanna Joseph

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“I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”
― Helen Keller

This reminds me (sort of) of the story of Quan Yin - she chose not to go to Nirvana while there was one person left on our planet that was suffering.

It's seems to me that we all go together smile

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“Love is a synonym for God; and God is love, the universal outpouring of the Spirit through law, wisdom, life, and action. God knows us in love; we know God only through love. When we love humanity we are loving God, in and through others.” ~ Ernest Holmes

The term "God" can actually be very limiting for some people, because so many people see it as a force "out there" somewhere. This is why I LOVE the term "Love" or "Light" for God, because it feels infinite and everywhere present.

Deanna Joseph

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"And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new, and trust the magic of new beginnings." ~ Meister Eckhart

I love this quote, because every day holds the possibility of a new experience if we just make a different choice.

Deanna Joseph

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I love that quote too. Ironically today is the day of a new start for me (its 1 of many and hopefully this time is the time it will work and where i will not give up)!

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Nancy, I'm holding good thoughts for you that this is your new start!

Lots of love and hugs!!!

Deanna Joseph

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What are your Soul Gifts? Discover your true nature and potential, and learn who you are on a Soul Level with a Soul Realignmentâ„¢ reading.

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Thank you so much Deanna lovers!

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"And Life reveals itself to whoever is receptive to it." ~ Ernest Holmes

This is a quote that we have to contemplate wink What do you think about it?

Deanna Joseph

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What are your Soul Gifts? Discover your true nature and potential, and learn who you are on a Soul Level with a Soul Realignmentâ„¢ reading.

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"The lack of alignment between what our mind says and what our intuitive heart is quietly trying to tell us can be one of the biggest unrecognized sources of stress." ~ Doc Childre

Deanna Joseph

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